Chapters 19 & 21 Flashcards
Invented the incandescent lightbulb
Thomas Edison
created less expensive and better quality iron
Built the world’s first iron bridge
Darby family
Iron was made stronger because they used - instead of charcoal
urged Christians to social services.
Social gospels
insisted on better care in the field hospitals and introduced sanitary measures.
Florence Nightingale
-“strokes of color with no blending.”
Used impressionism a lot
Claude Monet
cotton gin which separated seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate.
Eli Whitney
separated seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate.
Cotton gin
belief that one group is superior to another.
teeny rooms in multistory buildings.
Tenement living
The goods kept in a warehouse
Working class was called the - - “the have - nots”
private toll roads that required a fee
Father of the Industrial Revolution
James Watt
An organized association of workers often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests
Labor unions
the movement of people to cities
wrote “the Origin of Species”
Charles Darwin
money used to invest in business organizations
artistic style emphasizing imagination, freedom, and emotion.
invented the seed drill - seeds in a row
Jethro Tull -
caused the small farmers to lose their farms because they could not compete.
Enclosure -
Industrial revolution started in
Cause of growth of cities
Women were hired over men because
They were paid half of what men were paid
Positive effects of industrial revolution
Urbanization - the movement of people to cities
“Rags to riches” - rise from poverty to a position in society
“greatest happiness for the greatest number”
Thomas Malthus - best known for his writings about
population and the food supply
Robert Owen - a utopian who advocated
labor unions.
a campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages.
Women’s suffrage
Women’s right to vote.
Idealized women in the home.
Cult of Domesticity
- rebuilding of the poor areas of a city.
Urban renewal
Mysterious, melancholy figure; out of step with society. Often hid a guilty secret..
Romantic hero
Contributed significantly to the study of electromagnetism and discovered the law of electrolysis.
Michael Faraday
Thoroughly explain the three main events of Industrialization AND why each occurred.
Urbanization- jobs, enclosure system, technology,
Factory systems, quicker, pop=demand=factories-workers
Western dominance- Britain/ North America coal. Cotton, tobacco, we had everything.