Chapter 18 Flashcards
First estate
Second estate
Titled nobility of French society
Third estate
Most diverse of all social classes
Hit and run warfare
Guerrilla warfare
to incorporate (a country or other territory) within the domain of a state
Third, middle class
Military tactic when you destroy everything in your path when you are retreating so that the people that you are retreating from can’t get to you
Scorched earth policy
when a government spends more than it takes in
Deficit spending
weak and indecisive
Louis XVI
financial expert and advisor to King Louis XVI
Jacques Necker
a popular vote by ballot
a legislative body consisting of representatives of the three French estates
estates general
notebooks that listed the grievance of each estate
A small, dissenting group within a larger one
Step down from power
Leader of the National Guard
Marquis de Lafayette
Executed for publicly expressing her views and demanding equal rights 4 women
Olymphe de Gouges
Reported to have said “Let them eat cake!”
Marie Antoinette
People who fled France and the revolutionary forces
The working class
a government run by elected representatives
the right to vote
Conforming to the law or rulers
The Incoruptable, leader of the committee of public safety
Primary tool in the Reign of terror, the National razor
Loyalty and devotion to a nation
A city and port on the Mediterranean coast of southern France
He was a consul and emperor, beginning of fall of Napoleon
Invading Russia in 1812
denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious and spiritual basis
In the post-Napoleonic era, the vague consensus among the European monarchies favouring preservation of the territorial and political status quo.
Concert of Europe
symbol of abuse by the absolute monarchy
Working class
Third estate
new code of law that embodied Enlightenment principles but valued order and authority over the rights of the individuals.
Napoleonic code
to form a French Constitution
Tennis Court Oath
Modeled after the American Constitution, states that all men are “born and remain free and equal in rights”
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Set up a limited monarchy in place of absolutism
Constitution of 1791
The chief goals of ______________________________ were to preserve peace through the balance of power and to restore and protect the system of the monarchy.
Congress of Vienna
National assembly’s debt
Those who supported the Revolution
the goal of the ________________________________ is to prepared for all out war
Mass levy of 1793
puts King Louis XVI on trial
Radical convention
Causes of the Revolution
Absolute Monarchy
Social injustice
Economic issues
List some of the ways that the French and American Revolution were similar. How were they different?
all had many causes, but opposition to a monarch strengthened the desire to revolt. All were attempts to topple the unchecked power of monarchy, America was a colony revolting against its monarch in another part of the world, whereas the French/English revolutions was conducted inside the country. Varying levels of violence, fighting and social unrest