Chapters 18, 19, And 20 Flashcards
Autoimmune illness
An illness in which the body’s immune system attacks normal tissue in the body
Anti-embolic stocking
Stockings which help prevent swelling and blood clots and aid circulation
The ability to think logically and quickly
A general term that refers to a serious loss of mental abilities, such as thinking, remembering, reasoning and communicating.
Completely rejecting the thought or feeling - “I’m, not upset with you!.”
Obsessive compulsive disorder
A disorder in which a person uses obsessive behavior to cope with anxiety
Phantom sensation
Pain or feeling from a body part that has been amputated; caused by remaining nerve endings
An intense form of anxiety
Going back to old, usually immature behavior- for example, throwing a temper tantrum as an adult
Validation therapy
Means letting resident believe they live in the past or in imaginary circumstances. Do not make attempts to reorient the resident to actual circumstances. Do not argue with him/her
Know the guidelines for a resident who has had a hip replacement
Dress the resident starting with the affected side. Never perform range of motion (ROM) exercised on the operative leg unless directed by the nurse. Caution the resident not to sit with his/her legs crossed. The hip cannot be bent or flexed more than 90 degrees. The hip cannot be turned inward or outward.
Know the guidelines for caring for a resident with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Be patient with self-care and movement. Allow enough time for tasks. Offer periods of rest as necessary. Give plenty of time to communicate. Prevent falls, which may be due to lack of coordination, fatigue, or vision problems
How often should you reposition a resident with a head or spinal cord injury?
Every 2 hours
Know the guidelines for a resident recovering from a heart attack (MI= myocardial infarction)
Generally, residents who have had an MI will be placed on a regular exercise program. Resident may be on a diet that is low in fat and cholesterol and/or low-sodium diet. Quitting smoking will be encouraged. Resident recovering from a heart attack may need to avoid exposure to cold temperatures.
Know about congestive heart failure (CHF)
CHF can be treated and controlled with medications. Medications help remove excess fluids. This means more trips to the bathroom. A low-sodium diet or fluid restrictions may be prescribed. Elastic leg stockings may be used to reduce swelling in feet and ankles.
What should the nursing assistant do during a seizure?
During a seizure, the main goal of the caregiver is to make the resident safe
Know about chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD)
Residents with COPD have difficulty with breathing. A resident with COPD should be positioned sitting upright.
Know the complications that diabetes can lead to
Diabetes can lead to poor circulation and impaired wound healing may result in gangrene
What actions does sexual contact include?
Contact includes sexual intercourse, contact of the mouth with the genitals or anus, and contact of the hands to the genitals.
Know the facts about HIV. Risk factors:
Having unprotected sex. Follow Standard Precautions at work to protect yourself. A person with HIV/AIDS cannot be fired because of the disease. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS.
Sexual contact, infected blood, infected needles, or to a fetus of an infected mother.
What cancer treatment results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss and decreased resistance to infection?
What kills normal and abnormal cells in limited areas, sometimes causing skin to become sore, irritated, or burned?
What are warning signs of cancer?
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing, recent change in wart or mole (Nevus), unexplained weight loss, and unusual bleeding or discharge.
How should you communicate with a resident who has cancer
Residents may want to talk or may avoid talking. Respect each resident’s needs. Listen if a resident wants to share feelings or experiences with you. Be honest. Be sensitive. Have a positive attitude
Know about skin care for residents with cancer
Use lotion regularly on dry delicate skin. Do not apply lotion on areas receiving radiation therapy. Offer back rubs to provided comfort and increase circulation. Residents who are very weak or immobilized need to be repositioned every 2 hours.
Know about pain relief for residents with cancer
Report signs of pain to the nurse. Help with comfort measures such as reposition and provide conversation, music, or reading materials
What should the nursing assistant do if he/she feels a resident or family member needs more support in dealing with a resident’s illness?
Tell the nurse
What factors can cause confusion?
Dehydration,fever, lack of oxygen, medications, infections, illness, loss of sleep or seizures. Do not leave the resident alone. Stay calm. Provide a quiet environment. Do not rush the resident.
How can nursing assistants help residents with memory loss?
Encourage them to make lists of things to remember. Let them be as independent as possible.
Know the facts about Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
1) Skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer. People with AD will not all show the same symptoms at the same times. Help them to be as independent as possible. AD is not a normal part of aging. Use simple words and short sentences. Use signs, pictures, gestures, or written words.
How should the nursing assistant respond to hallucinations?
1) Violent behavior?
2) Bathing problems?
3) inappropriate sexual behavior?
Ignore harmless hallucinations and delusions. Reassure a resident who seems agitated or worried. Do not argue with a resident who is imagining things. Do not tell the resident that you can see his/her hallucinations
1) Remove the triggers, block blows but never hit back, try not to take it personal
2) Schedule bathing when the resident is the least bit agitated. Be patient and flexible. Understand if the resident doesn’t want to bathe. Never leave the resident alone. Prepare the resident before bathing.
3) Do not over-react, try to distract the resident. If this doesn’t work, gently direct him/her to a private area. Then tell the nurse.
When should reality orientation be used for residents with AD?
During the early stages of AD
What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person?
Gets along with others, adapts to change, cares for self and others, gives and accepts love, deals with stressful situations, takes responsibility, for decisions, feelings and actions.
Know the facts concerning mental illness.
1) What can make mental illness worse?
2) guidelines for communication?
People with mental illness cannot control their behavior. Mental illness is a disease.
1) Substance abuse. Weak interpersonal or family relationships. When under large amounts of stress.
2) Do not talk to adults as if they are children. Use simple, clear statements and a normal tone of voice. Show respect and concern. Sit or stand at a normal distance from the resident. Avoid arguments. Maintain eye contact. Listen carefully.
Know the facts about defense mechanisms
They are unconscious behaviors used to release tension or cope with stress. All people use them at times. People who are mentally ill use defense mechanisms to a greater degree.
What are the signs of clinical depression?
Sleeplessness or excessive sleeping. Pain, including headaches or stomachaches. Repeated thoughts of death. Difficulty concentrating. Guilt. Apathy. Irritability. Low energy or fatigue.
How should the nursing assistant care for a mentally ill resident?
Observe residents carefully for changes in condition or mood. Support the resident and his/her family and friends. Your positive, professional attitude encourages the resident and the family. Encourage residents to do as much as possible for themselves.
What needs to be reported when observing mentally ill residents?
Changes in ability. Comments, including jokes about hurting self or others. Positive or negative mood changes, especially withdrawal. Real or imagined physical symptoms. Events, situations, or people that upset or excite residents. Failure to take medicine or improper use of medicine.
What are the common set of treatments for mental illness?
Medications and psychotherapy
What should you do if you notice that a resident gets upset easily, eyes are always red, decreased appetite, and you smell alcohol on her breath, even in the morning?
Tell the nurse
What substances can be abused?
Alcohol, cigarettes, over-the-counter medicines, diet aids, decongestants, paint and glue.
What are common symptoms of anxiety?
Sleeplessness or excessive sleeping. Pain, including headaches or stomachaches. Repeated thoughts of death. Difficulty. Guilty. Irritability. Apathy. Low energy and fatigue.