Chapters 13,14,&15 Flashcards
What did the “prodigious momentum of burgeoning American capitalism” give rise to?
An economy that was remarkably dynamic, market driven, continentally scaled, and
internationally consequential.
What was considered the “most American part of America”?
The West
- Provide at least five characteristics of life for a pioneer family.
Poorly fed, ill-clad, housed in hastily erected shanties, perpetual victims of disease
depression and premature death, unbearable loneliness haunted them.
- Popular literature was “abounded with portraits of unique, isolated like”…
James Fenimore Cooper’s heroic Natty Bumppo and Herman Melville’s restless Captain
What grass thrived in charred canefields? 6. Name three animals used in the fur trade. Beaver, bison, and sea otters
European bluegrass
- Name three animals used in the fur trade.
Beaver, bison, and sea otters
- What painter and student of Native American life advocated preservation of nature as a national policy?
George Catlin
- What system did his idea later create?
The national park system
- The population was still doubling approximately every
twenty five years.
- Overrapid urbanization led to what seven “undesirable by-products”?
Smelly slums, feeble street lighting, inadequate policing, impure water, foul sewage, ravenous rats, and improper garbage disposal.
- What accounted most for the increase in population?
Continuing high birth rates
- What two immigrant groups came to the US in huge droves during the 1840s-1850s?
Irish and german
- What invention allowed immigrants to come to the US more speedily and cheaply?
Transoceanic steamships
Approximately how many Irish died during the “Potato Famine”? (Need #)
2 million
What two cities were noteworthy for their large Irish populations?
Boston and New York
Why did native workers hate the Irish?
The Irish were wage depressing competitors for jobs.
Whom did the Irish immigrants resent the most?
The blacks
- Who were the “Molly Maguires”?
A shadowy irish miners union that rocked the pennsylvania coal districts in the 1860s and 1870s.
What powerful city machine did the Irish take control of?
New York’s Tammany Hall.
What famous German was a “foe of slavery and public corruption”?
Carl Schurz
Most Germans settled most notably in what state?
True or False – The Germans were not a well educated or cultured people.
- What attribute (more than others) earned the Irish the “distrust and resentment of their native-born, Protestant American neighbors”?
Their roman catholicism.
The Irish and German _____ spurred advocates of temperance in the use of alcohol to redouble their reform efforts.
drinking habits
What is a “Nativist”? (Look up this term online to provide the proper definition)
relating to or supporting the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
- Why did Catholics establish their own school system?
They were seeking to protect their children from Protestant indoctrination in the public schools.
- What official political party did the “Nativists” form? By what popular name did it also go by?
The American Party more commonly known as the Know-Nothing Party
- Why were cultural clashes relatively infrequent in the US?
Part of the answer lies in the robustness of the American economy. The vigorous growth of the economy in these years both attracted immigrants in the first place and ensured that, once arrived, their hands and brains would held duel even further economic expansion. Immigrants and the American economy, in short, needed one another.
- Over what machinery did the British enjoy a monopoly?
Textile machinery
Who created the “first efficient American machinery for spinning cotton thread”?
Samuel Slater
- Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
True or False – Due to the cotton gin, the institution of slavery lessened.
- What region of the US was favored as an industrial center?
New England
- What else did the inventor of the cotton gin mass produce?
- By 1850, what “principle” was adopted from this process (formed the basis of modern mass-production)?
interchangeable parts
- Who invented the sewing machine?
Elias Howe
- Who invented the telegraph?
Samuel F B Morse
- Why did laws prevent the formation of labor unions?
Such cooperative activity was regarded as a criminal conspiracy.
- What group of workers was especially vulnerable to exploitation by the factory system?
Child workers
- What three things did the strikes in the 1830s and 1840s demand for workers?
Higher wages, 10 hour work day, the right to smoke on the job
- Whom did employers use when their employees went on strike?
Strikebreakers often derisively called “scabs” or “rats” and often fresh off the boat form the old world. (Immigrant workers)
- List at least three characteristics of a “Lowell Mill Girl’s” life while working in the Boston Associates textile mill in Lowell, MA.
Carefully supervised on and off the job by watchful matrons, escorted regularly to church and from their company boardinghouse, and forbidden to form unions.
- Who tirelessly urged women to enter the teaching profession?
Catharine Beecher (sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe)
- What was the “cult of domesticity”?
A widespread cultural creed that glorified the customary functions of the homemaker.
- Did families grow bigger or smaller during this era? Smaller, the average household had nearly 6 members at the end of the eighteenth century but fewer than 5 members a century later.
- Did families grow bigger or smaller during this era? Smaller, the average household had nearly 6 members at the end of the eighteenth century but fewer than 5 members a century later.
- What were good citizens raised to become?
Independent individuals who could make their own decisions on the basis of internalized moral standards. 4
- Who invented the steel plow?
John Deere
- Who invented the mechanical mower-reaper?
Cyrus McCormick
- What was the Lancaster Turnpike in PA? Between what two cities did it run?
The Lancaster Turnpike was a broad, hard surfaced highway that thrust 62 miles westward from Philadelphia to Lancaster.
- Between what two cities and two states did the National Road run?
Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois. (Later extended from Baltimore to the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Louis.)
- What did the “dubious public” call Robert Fulton’s Clermont steamboat?
Fulton’s Folly
- What could the steamboat now do that made it so successful?
Defy wind, wave, tide, and downstream current. (travel upstream)
- What two names were the Erie Canal called?
“Clinton’s Big Ditch” and “The Governor’s Gutter”
- What was the most significant contribution to the development of a continental economy?
The railroad
- Name at least three obstacles railroad pioneers had to overcome?
Brakes were so feeble that the engineer might miss the station twice, both arriving and backing up. Arrivals and departures were conjectural, and numerous differences in gauge (the distance between the rails) meant frequent changes of trains for passengers.
- What ships allowed for a golden age for American shipping?
Clipper ships
- What was established in 1860 to carry mail from MO to CA?
The Pony Express 58.
- What invention eventually ended the previous answer?
The telegraph
- In what type(s) of economic activity did each region specialize? (South/West/East)
S =raised cotton for export to New England and Britain
W = grew grain and livestock to feed factory workers in the East and in Europe
E = made machines and textiles for the South and the west
- What would the South have to fight besides Northern armies? The tight bonds of an interdependent continental economy.
- What would the South have to fight besides Northern armies? The tight bonds of an interdependent continental economy.
- What transformed the subsistence economy into a national network of industry and commerce?
The market revolution
- Because of the burgeoning market economy, the home
“became increasingly the special and separate sphere of women.”
- Where was economic inequality most extreme?
CitiesTo which religious belief did many of the Founding Fathers ascribe (was promoted by Thomas Paine)?*
To which religious belief did many of the Founding Fathers ascribe (was promoted by Thomas Paine)?*
2) All of the following are true of the Second Great Awakening, except that it _____.*
was not as large as the First Great Awakening
3) What two denominations were strengthened the most by the Second Great Awakening?*
Methodists and Baptists
Who was the greatest of the revival preachers?*
Charles G. Finney
True or False - The Second Great Awakening disallowed women from being active in religion.*
6) The area of western New York that contained numerous descendants of New England Puritans was known as the _____.*
“Burned-Over District”
7) True or False - The Second Great Awakening brought the various classes, regions, and denominations closer together.
8) Who was the original prophet of the Mormon religion?*
Joseph Smith
9) What controversial Mormon practice led to religious persecution and delayed statehood for Utah? *
10) True or False - Tax-supported public education was deemed essential for stability and democracy.*
11) Horace Mann campaigned for all of these educational reforms except _____.*
condensed curriculum
12) Which one of these men is NOT an educational reformer?*
William L. Garrison (aboliitonist)
13) What helped the growth of state-supported universities?*
Federal Land Grants
14) What school broke tradition by allowing both male and female students (coeducation)?*
Oberlin College
15) Which characteristic was NOT included in a perfected society?*
Free from taxes
16) What contributed to state legislatures abolishing debtors’ prisons?*
Laborers asserted themselves at the ballot box
7) What person was most responsible for promoting prison and asylum reform?*
Dorothea Dix
18) All of these actions were attributed to drunkenness, except that it _____.*
increased the efficiency of labor
19) Who was known as the “Father of Prohibition”?*
Neal S. Dow
20) True or False - Gender differences were strongly emphasized in the 1800s because the growing market economy eliminated gender roles in the workplace.*
21) What was the centerpiece of the “cult of domesticity”?*
the home
22) What female suffragist left the word “obey” out of her marriage ceremony?*
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
23) What document did Elizabeth Cady Stanton “amend” at the Seneca Falls Convention?*
Declaration of Independence
24) What movement in the 1850s eclipsed the women’s rights crusade?*
25) Most of the utopian societies held ______ as one of their founding ideals.*
cooperative social and economic practices
6) True or False - John H. Noyes’s religious vision of the Oneida Community creating a mighty capitalist corporation eventually became a reality. *
27) Life expectancy was _____ years for a white person born in 1850, and _____ that for black slaves.*
40, 1/2
28) True or False - Most of the early American architecture and painting was more imitative than original.*
29) The Hudson River School focused on _____.*
painting America’s local landscapes and vast wilderness
True or False - In America today, most people would consider minstrel shows to be extremely racist.*
31) All of these 19th-century technological changes allowed American literature to evolve except for _____.*
political cartoons
32) Which person was NOT a part of the Knickerbocker Group?*
Stephen C. Foster
(Washington Irving James Fennimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant were)
3) Transcendentalists believed that all knowledge came through _____.*
an inner light
34) What essay, written by Henry David Thoreau, influenced the likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.?*
“Civil Disobedience”
35) Who was known as the “Poet Laureate of Democracy”?
Walt Whitman
36) Who was the first American ever to be enshrined in the Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey?*
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
37) Which attribute played the largest role as to why John Greenleaf Whittier was a leading abolitionist poet?*
He was a Quaker.
38) What was a major reason why Louisa May Alcott wrote books, such as “Little Women” (1868)?*
She had to economically support her mother and sisters.
39) These authors wrote about the darker realms of human experience, except for _____.*
Walt Whitman
(Edgar Allen Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Melville did)
0) From which section of the US did most of our early prominent historians reside (which explains their regional bias)?*
New England
- What rebellion started the shift from indentured servitude to chattel slavery?
Bacon’s Rebellion
- True or False - All slave auctions within the US ended when the slave trade ended in 1808.
- Why is the Northwest Ordinance (1787) significant in relation to slavery?
Slavery was banned in the Northwest territory through the Northwest Ordinance
- True or False - The Missouri Compromise finally solved the issue of slavery.
False (only postponed)
- Did the invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney increase or decrease the demand for slave labor in the US?
The Cotton Gin increases demand for slave labor.
- In which specific region of the US were people moving slaves between states most heavily?
The deep southern states
- What 3 acts postponed the crisis between the North and South?
A =Missouri Compromise
B = Compromise of 1850
C = Kansas Nebraska Act
- True or False - The majority of southerners did not own slaves, yet, they still supported and defended the institution of slavery.
- From which socio-economic group did the majority of the southern population belong?
The yeoman farmers
- What 3 characteristics kept immigrants from moving to the South?
A =land is very expensive
B =competing with free labor
C = lack of public school reforms
- Which specific region of the South had the largest proportion of free African Americans?
The upper south (by delaware, and virginia mostly)
- True or False - Some slaves in the South were actually able to buy their freedom.
- Define “Chattel Slavery” =
slaves are treated as property
- What were the 2 most popular Christian religious denominations that African Americans joined?
A =baptist
B = methodist
- List the 4 major forms of slave resistance:
A = work slowdowns
B = negligence (breaking equipment)
C = running away (underground railroad).
D = slave revolts
- Which slave revolt is the only one in which southern whites were killed?
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
- What movement/group proposed transporting freed slaves back to Africa?
American Colonization Society
- What did the abolitionist David Walker call on African Americans to do?
David Walker called on African Americans to rebel in a violent uprising.
- What abolitionist published “The Liberator”?
William Llyod Garrison
What resolution disallowed the discussion of slavery in Congress (1836-1844)?
The Gag resolution.