Chapters 1,2,3 (Periods 1-2) Flashcards
pueblo people
lived in southwest, multistoried buildings and intricate irrigation systems for farming, more complex culture and society
iroquois people
in northeast, present day NY, tribes formed political confederacy, the league of the iroquois, withstood attacks from opposing native americans and europeans in 17th and 18th centuries
columbian exchange
period of cultural and biological exchanges between new world and old, plants, animals, diseases, technology, transformed european and native american ways of life
treaty of tordesillas
1494, spain and portugal signed treaty, moved line on map a few degrees west, giving portugal more territory, went through parts of brazil, est. portugals claim to brazil, spain claimed rest of the americas
John Cabot in North America
laid Englands earliest claims to territory in new world, italian sea captain under contract of Henry VII, explored coast of Newfoundland in 1497
combined european & amerindian descent
Sir walter raliegh attempted to establish settlement of roanoke off north carolina coast in 1587, venture failed
Francis Drake
attacked spanish ships, seized gold and silver, attacked spanish settlements on coast of peru
Founding of Jamestown
King James I chartered Virginia co, joint stock company that established first permanent english colony in america, jamestown, 1607
headright system
1618 in jamestown, used as a way to attract new settlers to the region and address the labor shortage. With the emergence of tobacco farming, a large supply of workers was needed. New settlers who paid their way to Virginia received 50 acres of land.
bartolome de las casas
16th-century Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar. He became the first resident Bishop of Chiapas, and the first officially appointed “Protector of the Indians”