Chapters 1-2 Flashcards
The scientific study of organisms, both living and after death
What common features do all life on earth share (8 things)
-made up of chemicals
-made of cells
-use molecules to synthesize new ones
-extract energy from the earth to do work
-contain DNA
- respond to stimuli in the environment
-exists in populations that evolve
Major prokaryote groups
Bacteria and archaea
Organisms with cells that have membrane enclosed organelles
Why are nucleic acids critical for evolution
They direct protein synthesis
What changed the planet and the nature of earth
Why is photosynthesis so important
-transforms light energy to chemical energy that can do work
-basis of life; provides food for other organisms
What is the byproduct of photosynthesis
Why is oxygen important
-oxygen allows for aerobic metabolism (chemical reactions that uses O)
-allowed life to move on land
Why are cells specialized
-allows for the division of labor (different cell types doing different work)
-allows for the hierarchy of bio. Organization
What are the levels of biological organization
Atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cells, tissue, organ, organ system, organisms
Populations community, ecosystem, biosphere
Why are nucleotide sequences so important
Nucleotide sequences gives the amino acid sequence and then determines the shape of the protein (form=function)
How to write binomials
2 words, the first one is capitalized, the second word is typed in italics or underlined if written (genus and species)
Why is it important to understand biology
Allows us to live healthy and productive lives
Ag and medical practices require a basic understanding of bio
Public policy, gov calls on biologists advise the gov
Ecosystem function
What 6 elements make up 98% of tissues
Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur (common feature of life)
What is so special about carbon
-4 valence electrons
-can form 4 bonds
-bonds to itself
-forms strong bond when bonded to itself
What does the valence shell do
Determines how atoms combines (chemical behavior)
How do reactive atoms become less reactive
-sharing electrons with other atoms
-losing or gaining an electron
- both of these can form a chemical bond
Covalent bond
Sharing of electrons
Ionic attraction
Opposite charges being attracted
Hydrogen bond
Attraction between a hydrogen atom and an electronegative atom
What is electro negativity and what causes it
-electronegativity is the unequal sharing of electrons (atom pulls shared electron towards itself)
-it depends on if its a positive charge, the distance between nucleus and valence shell electrons (closer=more electronegative.)
What is the most electronegative element
Difference between polar and non polar covalent bond
Polar= greater electronegativity (unequal sharing of electrons)
Nonpolar= electrons are shared evenly
Difference between cation and anion
Cation: pos charged ion (cat has paws)
Anion: neg charged ion
Ion: electrically charged particle that forms when losing or gaining an electron
Difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic
Hydrophilic is water loving and is able to dissolve in water
Hydrophobic is water hating and don’t dissolve in water
What is a oxidation-reduction reaction (redox reaction)
Electrons being transferred between 2 molecules, electron acceptor becomes reduced and the electron donator becomes oxidized
What are water’s special properties
-water can float when frozen
-temp stays consistent (large bodies of water)
-water has cohesive strength due to hydrogen bonds between molecules
What is a solution, solute, and solvent
Solution: combo of solute and solvent
Solute: dissolved substance
Solvent: fluid that dissolves the substance
Why is pH important to bio
-shapes molecules (reactions between FG)
-determines the speed of reaction rates