Chapter10: Gender & Identity Flashcards
What is the meaning of gender?
The social construction of what it means to be female or male.
What is sex vs gender?
Sex: the biological features of being male or female.
Gender: The social construction of what it means to be female or male.
What is the meaning of intersex?
People who have biological characteristics of both sexes- previously referred to as Hermaphrodite.
Meaning of transgender:
People who express gender behaviour not usually associated with their sex.
Meaning of transsexual:
Those who believe that the sex of their body & their gender identity do not match.
What are Binary claims?
Classification of gender into two distinct forms of masculine and feminine, whether by social system, cultural belief, or both simultaneously. Eg) male/ female, feminine/ masculine.
What is biological determinism?
The tendency to prioritize biological aspects at the expense of social and cultural influences.
Why are we obsessed with dividing society in 2?
Easier to “understand” - Starts all the way with gender reveals.
What is hyper masculinity?
Form of expression that are associated with stereotypical male behaviour generally relating to physical prowess & strength.
What is heteronormativity?
Refers to the belief that heterosexual is & should be that norm.
How to combat heteronormativity:
- Share how you identify.
- Ask for someone’s pronouns.
- Don’t make assumptions.
- Use gender neutral terms, eg. Partner.
What is the social construction of gender (6):
- Gender is personal & social.
- Gender is plural.
- Gender is relational.
- Gender is dynamic.
- Gender is an active project.
- Gender & power relations.
What is feminism?
The view that men and women should have equal rights.
What is the feminist theory in sociology?
Focuses on understanding & challenging the social inequalities & injustices that arise from gender bias & patriarchy
What are the 4 theories of feminism?
- Intersectional
- Radical
- Liberal
- Marxist
What is hegemonic masculinity?
Represents the “masculine norms” and the dominant ways of “being a man” in a given society at a given time.
What are the characteristics of hegemonic masculinity?
- heterosexuality
-muscular body type - Risk taking
- political strength
What is toxic masculinity?
Refers to a set of socially constructed norms & expectations that emphasise the dominance, aggression, & emotional repression of men.
What’s an example of toxic masculinity?
Violence as a solution.