Chapter 4 & 6: Institutions In Society Flashcards
What is religion?
- Is the belief in & reverence for a supernatural power recognized as the creator & governor of the universe.
- Every religion encompasses a range of practices, including sermons & ritual etc.
There are 2 components of religion:
- Function system
- Sacred substance.
What are the understanding of religion’s roots?
- The word religion comes from the Latin religion.
- fear of the supernatural.
- Some scholars argue that this may stem from religare.
- to bind together.
- Religion- social cohesion & “glue” of society.
- Durkheim & Weber paid special attention to religion.
- Does religion only have positive influences on society?
- Marx thought that religion was “the opium of the people.”
- Do you think there has been changes to religious practices through the generations?
What are the 5 developments of South Africa’s diverse religions?
- Indigenous beliefs
- Religions introduced through immigration
- Missionary activities
- Binary tensions
- Dynamic relationship
What are the 5 sociological perspectives on religion?
- Study religion is a social phenomenon
- Focus on the social forces which formed religion
- Believe religion is an important function of society
- Are interested in all social forms of religion
- View religion as an institution which is integral to society.
What are the 3 components of religion in current society?
- A need for society
- Renewed interest in moral guidance
- Revalued as cultural resource.
What is fundamentalism?
Religious movement or POV that strictly holds to non- negotiable principles & is hostile to alternative views.
In favoring secularisation, Auguste Comte, believed that human history passes through 3 consecutive stages:
- the first is the theological state where religious beliefs would be important.
- the second is the metaphysical stage where philosophy is dominant.
- is the final positivist stage science will be the leading principle.
What is religious fundamentalism?
A learned disposition & is dependent on the insight of privileged interpreters who thereby have considerable power in religious & non- religious matters.
What is the structural perspective?
Any view, approach or perspective in the social sciences which prioritizes social structure over individual cation or agency; structures can be identified lying behind appearances of social reality.
What is the functionalist perspective?
Theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society’s equilibrium.
What is the functionalist perspective of religion in society?
- religion can promote a sense of social cohesion & belonging.
- religion strengthens society’s norms & values.
- Religion gives meaning to human life.
- Religion gives family life special meaning.
What is the dysfunctional effect that religion has in society?
- Religion can encourage the subordination of women to men.
- Religion can make it difficult to resolve political conflicts.
- Religion can prevent change.
What is the conflict perspective?
The view that society is characterized by fundamentally antagonistic & opposing socio- economic classes; the continual dynamic tension between tension between major social groups is considered as the source of social change.
Explain the structuralist/ functionalist perspective:
- worshipping society itself.
- coping mechanism for stress.
- providing answers to ultimate issues.
- functional or dysfunctional effect.
Explain the conflict perspective:
- alienation is to central religious practice.
- opiate of the masses- alleviates the pain of daily living (suffering is a virtue).
- religion distorts reality accept status quo.
- a tool for oppression, control & exploitation.
- critique- religion can’t contribute to change. Is this true?
Explain the interpretative perspective:
- socially constructed belief system.
- focusing on the relationship between religion & social change.
- sinners and grace- determining what people do/ don’t do.
- Calvinism- predestination (God decides all and we hope we are right- no real evidence).
- Protestants- asceticism (acts now done for the idea of heaven- final goal).
What is the monotheist?
Worshipping one God.
What is polytheist religion?
Worshipping more than one God.
What are the 8 common elements of religion?
- Belief system
- Community
- Myths
- Rituals
- Ethics
- Characteristics emotional experiences
- Material expression
- Sacredness
Describe the church as religious organization:
- churches are organizations with a strong intellectual & teaching tradition.
- the church usually represents the country’s official religion & has a close relationship with the government.
- it doesn’t tolerate challenges & therefore guards its monopoly on religious truth.
Describe cults as a religious organization:
- the beliefs that members of a cult are vague & members tolerate individualistic beliefs.
- the cult has a charismatic leader & a loose organizational structure.
- their goal is to present the adherents of this religious formation with a spiritual experience.
What are the 3 kinds of cults?
- Countercultural cults
- Personal- growth cults
- Neo Christian cults.
Describe sects as a religious organization:
- Sects are generally small organizations that reject aspects of the established religion.
- they call for a return to purity- unblemished moral conduct.
- they believe God is present and active in members lives.