Chapter Uno Flashcards
What is Integrity?
Wholeness of a person
Sources of Theology
Divine Revelation
Human Reason
What is Ethics
Study of Human Customs
What is Morality
quality of goodness/badness of human act
Why is Ethics still needed today
it provides us guidelines on how to live a moral life
Differentiate Human Act and Acts of Human
Human Act - voluntary act; from discretion of one
Act of Human - involuntary act; not product of one’s decision
this serves as the basis of what’s bad/good
Imperatives of Ethics
What are the 3 Imperatives of Act
- Existence of God or a supreme being
- Existence of human freedom
- Existence of afterlife
What is the Etymology of Philosophy
Philos - Love
Sophia - Sophia
= Love of wisdom
What is the classical definition of Philosophy?
It is the science which studies the final or ultimate causes of all things in the light of human reason.
Etymology of Theology
Theos - God
Logos - Study
= Study of God
What differs Theology from other human sciences?
-It is a study of God based on a systematic body of knowledge, and it solely relies on divine revelation
Divine Revelation can only be accepted by what?
How does God establish a relationship with humanity?
Is revelation God’s initiative?
Yes, it is God’s initiative
Differentiate Theodicy and Theology
Theodicy - understanding God; no faith needed
Theology - based on a particular religion (thus, needs faith); discuss if God exists
Define Theology
The study of God and his relationship with man and the world
Theology is Studied through the use of?
reason illumined by faith
Etymology of Ethics
Ethos - characteristic way of doing things
Define Ethics
It is the science of the morality of human acts.
Why is Ethics a science?
because it is a systematic body of knowledge meant to guide men in their pursuit of the good and happy life
Is Ethics a practical or a speculative/theoretical science?
It is a practical science, meant to be applied
Ethics can be divided into two
General Ethics
Special Ethics
concerns the individual and what he ought to do to live happy and fruitful life in this world.
General Ethics
concerns the individual as a member of society. All problems concerning society and the social order are taken up.
Special Ethics
So what is the difference between General and Special Ethics?
General - concerns individual
Special - concerns individual as a member of society
Ethics presupposes some imperatives called?
sine qua non
what does sine qua non means
those with which
What are the threats to life
Whatever is opposed to life
Whatever violates the integrity of the human person
Whatever insults the human dignity
Whatever is opposed to life
Murder, genocide, abortion, euthanasia, suicide
Whatever violates the integrity of the human person
mutilation, torments inflicted on body and mind
Whatever insults the human dignity
Subhuman living conditions slavery imprisonment human trafficking disgraceful working conditions
These threats are all poisons to human society against what?
the order of reason
How is the progress in science and technology leading to the regression in moral life
ex: we study alive human anatomy
Why is Morality still important today?
To preserve individuality and humanity: for survival of our species and for the next generation
Can Human Act be an Acts of Human?
Yes (sabi ni sir sa quiz#1)