Chapter Tres Flashcards
Basic Anthropology
Major Themes
Man Is A Person
Man Is A Substantial Unity
Man Is A Social Being
Man Possesses Dignity And Rights
Man is inter-subjectivity, a community of what?
Is related to Goodness, Excellence, and Perfection
The Characteristics Of Man That Point To His Dignity Are
Intelligence, Freedom, & Love
In His Encyclical Entitled what, Pope Paul VI
Highlighted The Incomparable Worth Of The Human Person
Humanae Vitae
is based on the account that we are created in the image and likeness of God.
Jesus Christ
Human Dignity
the foundation of a moral vision for society
Human Dignity
Christian Anthropology Major Themes
Man Is A Creature
Man Is The Image Of God
Man Is Fallen But Redeemed
Nature And Grace
Is Immanent To His Creatures Just As He Is Transcendent
Through what
God Has Entered Human History
And Restored The Image Of God In Man.
Is A Gratuitous Gift Of God To All Persons.
It Is A Share In The Very Nature Of God.
This Is A Destiny Going Beyond The Capacity Of
But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the __________, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many.” - Rom 5:15
grace of the one man
The Christian therefore ______ thought, love and actions.
ought to imitate Christ’s
What are the 3 kinds of soul
Vegetative Soul - responds to environment
Sentient Soul - responds to environment
Rational Soul
Man is a substantial unity because he is a union of what
body and soul
What is the function of a soul?
adapting to the material/body
How does a person become immortalized?
because of the legacy that they leave
Why do we need others and why do we establish relationships?
To perfect each other’s ideas
seeing others as a reflection of ourselves; based on how we love ourself