Chapter Twelve Aboriginal People: Healing and Wellness Flashcards
What is residential school syndrome?
The cluster of symptoms specific to the problems created by residential schools.
What are the symptoms of residential school syndrome?
Distressing memories or dreams, sleeping disorders, anger management problems, and avoidance of people, places, or events.
What often leads to an intergenerational impact from residential schools?
The parents often have difficulty expressing love or communicating with their children because of their trauma.
What is a holistic view?
Typically found in traditional approaches to healing. Realizes the interconnectedness of everything and works to include whole communities in recovery process.
What is the Aboriginal Healing strategy and when was it implemented?
Implemented in 1997. Established the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
What does the Aboriginal Healing Foundation do?
funded community-based traditional healing projects and address the trauma suffered from residential schools.
What did the Community Holistic Circle Healing program do?
Created a thirteen-step process to address sexual abuse and addiction. The steps focused on educating people on abuse, changing attitudes towards abuse, preventing more abuse, and helping people heal.
What was the Indian Residential Schools agreement?
It was a lump sum of 10 000 dollars to previous residential school students for the first year, and 3000 dollars for every subsequent school year.
How many First Nations people living on reserves receive social assistance?
34 percent.
What are the domains central to the policy and planning process of Aboriginal people?
The individual, the four cycles of the life span, key components of governance, fourteen determinants of health, and the three elements of social capital.
What did the Urban Aboriginal Peoples study find?
65 percent of urban aboriginal people like city life for the variety, convenience, and quality.
What are the two approaches to the wellbeing of aboriginal people?
Mainstream approach (psychotherapy), and traditional approach (medicine wheel, healing.)
What is the Urban Aboriginal Strategy?
A federally funded initiative launched in 1998 aimed to improve the coordination of Aboriginal policies and programs in urban centers. It also aimed to make programs more responsive to local Aboriginal needs and priorities.