chapter three Flashcards
Parallel & Distributed Systems
what did we need to make the cloud a real thing?
based on ideas and experiences in parrallel and distributed systems accumliated in mant years of research.
what made parallel and distributed computing a real thing?
major advances in many computer science areas like algorithms, programming languages, computer architecture, internet connections, and solid-state technologies.
why do we need to use parallel and distributed computing?
because applications do run concurrently and require a reliable and an in-order delivery of messages
what is the most important thing needed in parallel and distributed computing?
the fabric “internet connection” for “communications”.
why do we need concurrency in parallel and distributed computing?
because the cloud applications are data-intensive, and use a number of instances that run concurrently
what to do in advance to deal with a system failure?
Checkpoint-restart procedures are used, as many cloud computations run for extended periods of time on multiple servers.
How Parallel processing and distributed computing allow us to solve large
by splitting them into smaller ones and solving them
what does parallel processing refer to?
concurrent execution on a system with a large number of processors.
what does Distributed computing mean?
concurrent execution on multiple systems, often located at different sites.
what is or how does Coarse-grained parallelism work?
large blocks of code executed before concurrent threads communicate.
what is or how does Fine-grained parallelism work?
short bursts of computations alternate with relatively long periods when a thread waits for messages from other threads.
what is Pipelining?
splitting an instruction into a sequence of steps that can be executed concurrently by different circuitry on the chip.
what is CISC?
Complex Instruction Set Computer
a much larger number of pipeline stages, e.g., an Intel Pentium 4
processor has a 35-stage pipeline
what is RISC?
Reduced Instruction Set Computing architecture consists of five stages
what are Hazards?
Instances when unchecked pipelining would produce incorrect results.