Chapter Seven - Physiotherapy Management of the Surgical Patient Flashcards
Name four common cardiovascular surgical procedures by their acronyms, and say what it means.
Surgical Procedures
- Cardiovascular
‘Cabbage’: coronary artery bipass grafting
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Aortic valve replacement
Mitral valve replacement
Name four common thoracic surgical procedures.
Surgical Procedures
- Thoracic
Lobectomy, Pneumonectomy, Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair, LVRS
*wedge resection (compared to lobectomy): take out a small piece of the lung
AAA: abdominal aortic aneurysm
LVRS: lung volume reduction surgery = in COPD, parts of the lung become very useless because of V/Q mismatch, so they are ventilated without good blood supply, so you take those out (we will see this in second semester)
Name two common peripheral vascular surgical procedures.
- Peripheral vascular
Peripheral Artery Bypass Graft, Amputations
Name and explain five common general surgical procedures.
- General
Whipple -> Resection of part of the pancreas or liver
Nissan’s fundoplication -> Resection of part of the esophagus and wrapping it around the stomach
Sugarbaker’s procedure -> Take a body part and dip it in chemotherapy
Name five common orthopedic surgical procedures.
- Orthopedic
THA, TKA, fractures, meniscus and ligament repairs
Total hip arthroplasty (replacement)
Total knee arthroplasty
* Orthopedic: we probably won’t see them for cardiopulmonary reasons, but as general physios yes
Name the three thoracic incisions and where they are.
Thoracotomy (side), median sternotomy (sternum), clam shell (underboobs),
Which thoracic incision is the most common for lung resection? Is it invasive?
This incision will induce pain, but… most common approach used on lung resection, we disrupt a lot of the muscles of the chest wall and shoulder complex
We can get away without it, using scopes
What is a thoracotomy used for?
Most common approach used on lung resection
What is a VATS? What does it allow to avoid? What is laparoscopic surgery?
VATS: Video‐Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
Avoids doing a thoracotomy.
Laproscopic surgery: similar as this, the three ports are in the abdomen
What is a hemothorax? Where and how do you set up a chest tube? How can you enhance the drainage?
Hemothorax: blood in the pleural space
Attach chest tube to patient with a suture and some tape, then attach a drainage pump system to that tube, that also allows you to measure the volume of drained fluid and notice when it stops draining
You can increase the negative pressure and enhance the drainage
The function of the chest tube depends on the situation
What are the functions of a chest tube drainage set?
Chest Tube Drainage Set
Drain fluid or Air
Quantify the amount of fluid drained
Verify air leaks
Do not lift the chest tube above the level of the chest, especially if there is no suction (favorite thing to look at in an OSCE), don’t lower the bed on the chest tube, don’t sit on it
Why would a chest tube create discomfort?
Pretty wide tube, in the pleural space, so it will create discomfort
How and why would you use a median sternotomy?
Saw the chest open, crank it open with clamps, allows a good visualization for the heart, then you wire it shut
Which incision would you use to get a good visualization of the heart?
Median sternotomy
When would you use a clam shell incision?
Bilateral lung or heart/lung transplant