Chapter One: The Skull Flashcards
Skull Components
Cranial bones
Facial bones
-nasal conchae
Three main sutures of the calvarium
-coronal suture
-sagittal suture
-lambdoidal suture
-anterior fontanelle
-posterior fontanelle
-mastoid fontanelle
-sphenoid fontanelle
Fontanelle significance
-indirect assessment of intracranial pressure
-assessment of the newborn growth, hydration, and bone ossification status
The temporal fossa floor (medially)
-frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid bones
The temporal fossa anterior boundary
-frontal process of the zygomatic bone
-zygomatic process of the frontal bone
The temporal fossa superior boundary
-superior and inferior temporal lines
The temporal fossa inferior boundary
-zygomatic arch laterally
-the infratemporal crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid medially
Sutures converging at the pterion
-the coronal suture
-the spheno-frontal suture
-the spheno-parietal suture
-the spheno-squamous suture
-the squamous suture
What artery runs behind the pterion
-middle meningeal artery
The infratemporal fossa anterior boundary
-the infratemporal surface of the maxilla
The infratemporal fossa posterior boundary
-the tympanic portion of the temporal bone and its styloid process
The infratemporal fossa superior boundary
-the infratemporal crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid
-the infratemporal surface of the temporal squama
The infratemporal fossa inferior boundary
-the lateral pterygoid plate medially
-the ramus of the mandible laterally
What does the cranial fossa resemble
-a staircase
Anterior cranial fossa bones
Anterior cranial fossa openings
-optic canal
-cribriform plate
Middle cranial fossa bones
Middle cranial fossa openings
-superior orbital fissure
-foramen rotundum
-foramen ovale
-foramen spinosum
-foramen lacerum
-carotid canal
Posterior cranial fossa bones
Posterior cranial fossa openings
-foramen magnum
-internal acoustic meatus
-jugular foramen
-anterior hypoglossal canal
Bones of the cranial roof
-the frontal bone
-the parietal bones
-the occipital bone
Bones of the cranial base
-the frontal bone
-the ethmoid bone
-the sphenoid bone
-the temporal bone
-the parietal bones
-the occipital bone
Frontal bone anterior main features
-squamous part
-superciliary arch
-orbital plate
-supraorbital foramen
-frontal notch
-nasal spine
-zygomatic process
-ethmoidal notch
Frontal bone posterior main features
-orbital plates
-ethmoidal notch
-foramen cecum
-frontal crest
-sagittal sulcus
-zygomatic process
Ethmoid bone main features
-perpendicular plate
-crista galli
-cribriform plate
-ethmoidal labyrinth
-orbital plate
-superior nasal concha
-middle nasal concha
-uncinate process
Sphenoid bone main features
-greater wing
-lesser wing
-body and sinus
-sella turcica
-clinoid process
-pterygoid plates and processes
Sphenoid foramen, fissures and grooves
-optic canal
-foramen rotundum
-foramen ovale
-foramen spinosum
-superior orbital fissure
-pterygoid canal
Sphenoid bone medial articulations
-body: ethmoid and vomer anteriorly, and basilar part of occipital bone posteriorly
-lesser wings: orbital plate of frontal and ethmoid
-greater wings: orbital surfaces of frontal anteriorly, parietal bones laterally, squamous part of temporal bone posteriorly
-pterygoid processes: palatine bones
Maxilla main features
-frontal process
-zygomatic process
-orbital surface
-alveolar process of maxilla
-palatine process
-maxillary sinus
-infraorbital foramen
-incisive foramen
Zygomatic bone main features
-maxillary process
-frontal process
-temporal process
-orbital surface
-zygomaticofacial foramen
Palatine bone main features
-orbital process
-perpendicular plate
-horizontal plate
Lacrimal bone main features
-orbital surface
-lacrimal fossa
-lacrimal groove
Vomer bone location
-in between maxilla and ethmoid
Mandible bone main features
-condylar process
-coronoid process
-mandibular foramen
-mandibular notch
-alveolar process
-mental foramen
Temporal bone main features
-squamous part
-mastoid process
-zygomatic process
-tympanic part
-styloid process
-petrous part
-external acoustic meatus
-mandibular fossa
-auditory ossicles
Occipital bone main features
-external occipital protuberance
-external occipital crest
-superior nuchal line
-inferior nuchal line
-occipital condyles
-foramen magnum
-condylar canal
-hypoglossal canal
Hyoid bone main features
-greater horn
-lesser horn
Which bones contain paranasal sinuses