Chapter Five: The Human Resource Management Function - The Employment Cycle SAC 2 Flashcards
Maintenance Phase
Termination Phase
Human Resource (HR) Planning
The development of strategies to meet the organisation’s future human resource needs.
Job analysis
The study of an employee’s job in order to determine the duties performed, the time involved with each of those duties, the responsibilities involved and the equipment required.
Job description
A summary of what the worker will be doing - the role they will have in the organisation in terms of duties and responsibilities.
Job specification
An indication of the sort of person an organisation is seeking in terms of personal qualities, skills, education and work experience.
Job design
Details the number, kind and variety of tasks that individual employees perform in their jobs. Jobs may be designed so they include a variety of tasks to keep employees interested and motivated.
The process of attracting qualified job applicants from which to select the most appropriate person for a specific job.
Internal recruitment
Recruitment inside the organisation.
External recruitment
Recruitment outside the organisation.
Employee selection
The process of choosing the candidate who best matches the organisation’s requirements.
This occurs when a policy or practice disadvantages a person or a group based on a personal characteristic that is irrelevant to the performance of the work.
Full-time permanent employment
When employees have an ongoing employment contract that includes all legally required entitlements.
Part-time permanent employment
When an employee works fewer ordinary weekly or monthly hours compared with full-time employees.
Fixed term contract
Where employment is offered for a specific period.
Casual employees
Those who are employed on a hourly basis.