Chapter five and six Flashcards
- What is the purpose of the in the INCLUDE strategy?
A systematic approach for helping students with special needs gain access to the general education curriculum.
Teachers framework for differentiation- adjustments.
- What are the key elements of the first step of the INCLUDE strategy?
classroom management, routine, climate, organization, time, behavior management
- True or False. Teachers should not take into consideration the perceptions of other students when selecting accommodations for a student with a disability.
- How can the physical organization of a classroom affect student learning and behavior?
accessibility of instructional presentations and materials for students, decrease noise and disruptions, increase attention, amount of time on task.
- What are the four general areas of classroom/instructional environments?
classroom management, classroom grouping, instructional materials, instructional methods
- Why is it important for teachers to effectively manage transition time?
Climate further opportunities for inappropriate interactions, time wasted
- What factors influence classroom climate?
teacher and student attitudes toward individual differences
- In evaluating the quality of content-area textbooks, what are two of the areas to consider?
students level of reading, text difficulty, big idea- concepts for better understanding, and clear
- In order to support student comprehension, how should textbook content be organized?
headings and subheadings
- How can manipulatives and models benefit students with special needs?
to make connections between abstractions and real life situations
- What are three guidelines to consider when using manipulatives?
select materials that suit the concept and developmental stage of student. provide explanation about manipulatives
- What are some benefits that drill and practice programs offer?
provides immediate feedback, helps students locate and correct their mistakes, stores information about student performance or progress that an be accessed later by the teacher, have the options for controlling featurees such as speed, feedback, difficulty, type of student responses amount of practice; relate to objectives, support skills being practiced.
- How does your textbook define assistive technology devices?
is any piece of equipment that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability.
- What are the six elements of direct instruction methodology?
I do, we do, you do. review and check the previous days work, present new content or skills, provide
- True or False. Within Tier I of an RTI model, the correction of student errors only occurs at certain intervals during a lesson.
- What is the order in which scaffolding should occur in order to promote higher-order cognitive strategies?
present the new cognitive strategy, regulate difficulty during guided practice, provide varying contexts for students practice, provide feedback, increase student responsibility, provide independent practice
- In order for independent student practice to be effective in promoting growth and achievement, what should be the accuracy rate for most students?
- Why is immediate feedback important on practice items?
meaningful connections and corrections
- What is the primary purpose of student evaluation?
determine the extent to which students have mastered academic skills or instructional content
- Which federal category constitutes the largest group of individuals who have low-incidence disabilities?
intellectual disabilities
- Which eligibility category is applicable to students only up until the age of nine?
developmental delays
- What are three key areas with which pupils with autism spectrum disorders may experience difficulty?
social relationships, communication, narrow range of students interest, stress
- True or False. Autism spectrum disorders can exist in many forms, from mild to severe.
- What are some general accommodations that help reduce behavior problems for students with autism spectrum disorders?
quiet corner, structured and predictable environment, clear procedure and routine- visual schedules
understand student perceptions
- How can communication be facilitated for students with autism spectrum disorder?
PECS, sign language, communication devices, predictable environment
- True or False. Students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities have ongoing needs for support during their school years and into adult life.
- What are some areas in which students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities experience difficulty?
maintaining skills, limited in amount learned, generalizations
- What is a genetic disorder that often includes a moderate intellectual disability?
down syndrome
- Why is it important to collaborate with the families of students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities?
parents can help by letting you know how to teach them. to hear about their child’s success and accomplishments
practice skills at home
- What are some ways that teachers can use the other students to support children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities?
peer tutor, social skills
- What is the most common combination of needs that are included under the category of Multiple Disabilities?
intellectual and sensory or physical impairments
- True or False. Students with the dual sensory impairment of deaf-blindness typically need help making sense of events others take for granted.
- Please identify an accommodation that a teacher would make when serving a pupil with a visual impairment.
accessible for students
- Please identify an accommodation that a teacher would make when serving a pupil with a hearing loss.
lots of visuals and amplified devices
- Do hearing aids and FM systems distinguish between the teacher’s voice and background sounds? If not, why is this a concern?
no, because students could hear what they are not supposed to
- The largest group of students with orthopedic impairments consists of those who have been diagnosed with _______________________________________.
cerebral palsy
True or False. In addition to instructional needs, students with orthopedic impairments may require assistance with self-care.
- Which health impairment affects the largest number of chronically ill children in the United States?
- In addition to learning needs, what other area is often affected for many students who have experienced a traumatic brain injury?
socialization and organizing key learning tasks.