Chapter five Flashcards
Federal rules of civil procedures
rules controlling matters in civil trials brought before the federal districts
- Provide framework for what should be done at each step of the litigation process
- have significant impact on persons ability to pursue a legal claim
- complex
- vary from court to court
vary from state to state
Stages of litigation
Stages of lawsuit
accident or breach of contract
party hires lawyer and files a complaint
defendant files a an answer or motion to dismiss
trial and post trial
Attorney fees
fixed fee
hourly fee
contingency fee
filing of the pleadings
gathering of evidence
formal statements made by plaintiff and defendant that detail the facts
service of process
the delivery of the complaints and summons to the defendant
motion for judgement on the pleedings
made by either party to decide solely based on pleadings without the trial
motion for summary judgment
requesting the court to enter judgment without trial
phase in the litigation process where opposing parties obtain info from each other and third parties prior to trial
testimony of a party to a lawsuit or of a witness taken under oath before trial
challenge the credibility of a person’s testimony
written questions and answers
directed to a party, not to a witness
Requests for admissions
one party can serve the other with request for an admission of the truth
meta data
data automatically recorded by electronic devices
voir dire
to see, to speak - refers to jury selection process
motion for a judgment as a matter of law
party requests the judge enter judgment in their favor before case is submmitted to a jury because the other party doesnt have sufficient effidence
defendants answer to plaintiffs rebutal
motion for a new trial
asserting trial was fundamentally flawed
motion for judgment N.O.V.
requesting court to grant judgment in favor of the party making the motion on ground that verdict was unreasonable
Appealing a veridct
nonprevailing party must file notice of appeal with clerk within prescribed time
clerk sends to reviewing court - court of appeals
formal legal document submitted to an appellate court
facts and issue
applicable law
arguments on clients behalf
Writ of execution
courts order against debtor for sheriff to seize and sell property