Chapter 9.2 Flashcards
What year did the TFSA contribution limit go to $10,000 for that one year?
A TFSA is an ideal source of __________ funds because the money contributed grows untaxed, and the money withdrawn is not taxed in any manner
Explain how the TFSA can be used for income spliting
A higher-income earning can give money to a lower-income earner to contribute to their own TFSA without affecting the contribution room of the giver. Because income is not taxed in the TFSA, no income will be attributed to the higher-income earner.
Furthermore, the money contributed to a TFSA can come from ________, not just from earned income
TFSA Contribution Limits:
2009 to 2012 $ 5,000 2013 and 2014 $ 5,500 2015 $10,000 2016 to 2018 $ 5,500 2019 to 2022 $ 6,000 2023 $ 6,500 2024 $ 7,000
Total (including 2024) = $95,000
What is the penalty for overcontributing to your TFSA?
1% per month tax
EX: if you were $4000 over from Nov & Dec 2021, then you would be charged $80 overcontribution fee
On what type of account is there a $2,000 excess permitted overcontribution?
No permitted over-contributions with TFSA
Individuals are deemed to have sold the investments at fair market value when they transfer them into their ______.
Clients may not claim a _______ ______ on a contribution in kind to a TFSA.
capital loss
What should you do prior to transferring over an investment in-kind to your TFSA that is in a capital loss position?
You should sell the shares prior to moving over the funds, that way you can claim the capital loss against any current, or future capital gains. If you do sell the investment prior to moving it over to the TFSA, remember you have to wait 30 days before buying it back or it will be considered a superficial loss
What is a qualifying transfer for a TFSA
When a marriage or common-law relationship breaks down, and there is a division of property as a result, a transfer may be made directly from the TFSA of one spouse (or former spouse) to the TFSA of the other spouse as part of the settlement.
If the named beneficiary is a person other than a ___________ the account ceases to be a TFSA when the holder dies. In effect, the TFSA account is treated as if it were deregistered and you cannot transfer the TFSA into your existing TFSA unless you have enough contribution room.
Spouse or Common-law partner
Theodore dies, leaving a TFSA valued at $25,000 to his daughter Anne. The TFSA’s value has increased by $2,000 between the time of Theodore’s death and the time of transfer, eight months later. who pays the tax and how much will they be taxed on?
Anne pays tax on $2,000
Regarding RESP’s, the maximum lifetime contribution limit is
What is the penalty tax on excess contributions in an RESP?
1% per month, same as the TFSA
If no carry-forward room is available, what is the maximum CESG that you could be granted in one year per beneficiary?
What is the lifetime CESG limit per beneficiary?
If the beneficiary has sufficient carryforward room, the maximum annual CESG is….
Contributions cannot be made to a resp plan at any time after the end of the year that includes the _____ anniversary of the plan, except if the beneficiary is eligible for the…
Disability tax credit.
An RESP must be closed by the end of the the year of its ____ anniversary.
For family plans established after 1998, each beneficiary must be less than ____ years of age at the time they are named as a beneficiary.
21 years of age
The contribution age limit for family plan beneficiaries is
If no RRSP contribution room remains, the investment income from the RESP must be withdrawn at the contributor’s marginal tax rate, and a _____% tax penalty must be paid. The contribution portion can be withdrawn tax-free, given that it was not tax deductible when it was contributed.
For families earning in the first bracket of income, the CESG matching rate is ____% on the first $500 and _____% on the next $2,000 contributed per beneficiary per year. A total of $600 per year, per child.