Chapter 9: Water and Minerals Flashcards
What percentage of an average healthy adult’s body is water?
60 to 75%
What are three electrolyte minerals?
Minerals that help maintain fluid balance, including:
* Sodium
* Chloride
* Potassium
What role does water play in the body?
Acts as a universal solvent and transport medium
List three functions of water in the body.
- Helps maintain body temperature
- Lubricant for joints, eyes; part of mucus and saliva
- Protective cushion for brain, organs, fetus
What is water balance?
The state of the water we intake versus the water we lose
How do we take in water?
Through beverages and food
How do we lose water from the body?
Through kidneys (as urine), large intestine, lungs, skin
What are insensible water losses?
Water loss through evaporation from skin and lungs when exhaling
What are sensible water losses?
Water loss through urine, feces, and sweating
What can losing too much water cause?
How can one monitor hydration status?
By checking urine color or measuring body weight before and after exercise
What is hyponatremia AKA water intoxication?
A condition of too little sodium in the blood from overhydration
What are the daily water needs for men?
15.5 cups/day (about 13 cups of beverages)
What are the daily water needs for women?
11 cups/day (about 9 cups of beverages)
What percentage of our fluid intake comes from beverages?
About 80%
What is the difference between inorganic minerals and organic substances?
Inorganic minerals do NOT contain carbon and are needed in relatively small amounts
What factors affect mineral absorption?
Bioavailability and competition with other substances
What is the regulation function of sodium?
Fluid balance and blood pressure regulation
What is the upper limit (UL) for sodium intake?
2,300 mg/day (or 1 tsp)
What is the primary cause of hyponatremia?
Too much water in the body.
What can excessive sodium lead to?
Hypertension or worsening existing high blood pressure
What percentage of sodium in the American diet comes from processed foods?
What is blood pressure a measure of?
The force that blood exerts on the walls of arteries
What is the DASH diet?
A low sodium diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit solid fats, sweets, alcohol, and processed foods.