Chapter 5: Carbohydrates Flashcards
What are simple and complex carbs?
Simple carbs include quick energy like sugars. Complex carbs include startches and fiber.
What are the three main monosaccharides?
Glucose, fructose, and galactose.
What are the edible forms of lactose, sucrose, and maltose?
Dairy, table sugar, and grains.
What are the disaccharide combinations for lactose, sucrose, and maltose?
Lactose= Glucose+ galactose
Sucrose = Glucose+ fructose
Maltose= glucose+ Glucose
How many kcals do nutritive sweeteners provide?
4 kcal/g
What are some examples of Polyols (sugar alcohols), the amount of kcal provided , two benefits and one downside?
Sorbitol, xylitol, and erythritol. 2 kcal/g. Doesn’t cause tooth decay and is slowly absorbed so it doesn’t spike blood glucose. If not completely absorbed, it can cause diarrhea.
What are the polysaccharides for starch in plants and what are the large chains made of?
Amylose and amylopectin. Made of glucose molecules.
What is glycogen and does it break down fast?
It is the storage form of carbs/glucose in humans and it breaks down much faster than amylose and amylopectin because if the multiple branches of glucose molecules.
Where is glycogen stored in the body?
Liver and muscles.
What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?
Soluble forms of gel in water and is fermented by intestinal bacteria to help make stool easier to pass. Insoluble fiber moves more rapidly and gives a laxative effect and sometimes can cause upset stomach.
What is the fate of all digestible carbs?
They turn into glucose.
Amylase secreted by the pancreas breaks down starch into what? Name the two molecules.
Breaks down starch into maltose. Maltase digest maltose into two glucose molecules.
Sucrase digests sucrose into what two molecules?
Glucose and fructose
Lactase breaks down lactose into what two molecules?
Glucose and galactose.
What organ receives the glucose, fructose, and galactose after absorbed into the small intestine from what vein?
Liver and the hepatic portal vein. Turns these molecules into glucose.