Chapter 9 - Suicide Flashcards
What is Suicide?
Intentional death, self-inflicted in which one makes an intentional, direct and conscious effort to end one’s own life
What is a death seeker?
Clearly intend to end their lives at the time they attempt suicide
What is a death initiator?
Clearly intends to end their lives, but they act out of a belief that the process of death is already under way and that they are simply hastening the process
What is a Death ignorer?
Do not believe that their self-inflicted death will mean the end of their existence
What is a Death darer?
Experience mixed feelings, or ambivalence, about their intent to die, even at the moment of their attempt, and they show their ambivalence in the act itself.
What is sub intentional deaths?
Category that includes Indirect, covert, partial or unconscious roles played in your own death are classified
True or False, there is a correlation between regularly participation in dangerous acts and lathers of suicide?
True or false, self-injury or self-mutilation is officially classified as a mental disorder?
What percentage of adolescents try to injure themselves at least once?
How is suicide studies?
Retrospective analysis, and studying people who have survived their suicide attempts
What is retrospective analysis?
A kind of psychological autopsy in which clinicians and researchers piece together data from the suicide victim’s past
How many nonfatal suicide attempts are there for every fatal suicide?
How does stress trigger suicide?
More stressful events present in the lives of attempters. Immediate stressors and long term stressors. Social isolation, serious illness, abusive or repressive environment, and occupation stress
What is combat stress?
Veterans from various wars are twice as likely to commit suicide
What are immediate stressors?
Loss of a loved one through death, divorce/rejection, loss of a job, financial loss, stress caused by natural disasters.
What are long-term stressors?
Social isolation, serious illness, abusive environments and occupational stress
How does social isolation relate to suicide?
Those without social support are particularly vulnerable. Feel little sense of “belonging
How does serious illness relate to suicide?
When an illness causes great pain of disability . Believe that death is unavoidable and imminent. Believe that the suffering caused by their illness is more than they can endure
How does abusive or repressive environments relate to suicide?
Prisoners of war, abused spouses, Prison inmates. They feel that they can endure no more suffering, and feel there is little hope of escaping
How does mood and though chance relate to suicide?
Most common change is an increase in sadness. Shift of pattern in thinking where they become preoccupied with problems and see suicide as the only solution
What is the single most likely indicator of suicide?
Feelings of hopelessness, 11x more likely to attempt
What is a psych ache?
A feeling of psychological pain that seems intolerable to the person
What is dichotomous thinking?
Viewing problems and solutions as either/or terms
How does alcohol and other drug use relate to suicide?
70% of people who attempt consume alcohol right before. The more intoxicated they are the more aggressive their form of suicide. 1/4 are legally intoxicated
How does mental disorders relate to suicide?
Anxiety disorders only lead to suicide when they happen in conjunction with major depressive disorders