Chapter 9 Electricity Flashcards
Defining Electric Current
- is the flow of charge carriers and is measured in units of amperes (A) or amps
- Charge can be either positive or negative
- When two oppositely charged conductors are connected together (by a length of wire), charge will flow between the two conductors, causing a current
In electrical wires, the current is a flow of
- electrons
- Electrons are negatively charged; they flow away from the negative terminal of a cell towards the positive terminal
Conventional current is defined as the flow
- of positive charge from the positive terminal of a cell to the negative terminal
- This is the opposite to the direction of electron flow, as conventional current was described before electric current was really understood
Current is measured using an
- ammeter
- Ammeters should always be connected in series with the part of the circuit you wish to measure the current through
Quantisation of Charge
- The charge on charge carriers is quantised
- Charge comes in definite bits
- e.g. a single proton has a single positive charge, whereas a single electron has a single negative charge
- the quantity of charge can be quantised dependent on how many protons or electrons are present
- positive and negative charge has a definite minimum magnitude and always comes in multiples of that magnitude
- This means that if we say something has a given charge, the charge is always a multiple of the charge of an electron by convention
- The charge of an electron is -1.60 × 10-19 C
- The charge of a proton by comparison is 1.60 × 10-19 C (this is known as the elementary charge, denoted by e and measured in Coulombs (C) )
Calculating Electric Charge
- Q = IT
- Q=charge(c)
- I=Current (A)
- t=Time(s)
Current in a Current Carrying Conductor is due to?
- In a conductor, current is due to the movement of charge carriers
- These charge carriers can be negative or positive, however the current is always taken to be in the same direction
- In conductors, the charge carrier is usually free electrons
The drift speed
- is the average speed the charge carriers are travelling through the conductor. You will find this value is quite slow. However, since the number density of charge carriers is so large, we still see current flow happen instantaneously
- The current can be expressed in terms of:
- number density (number of charge carriers per unit volume) n
- the cross-sectional area A
- the drift speed v
- the charge of the charge carriers q
Current in a conductor equation
- I=Anvq
- I=current (A)
- A=cross sectional area(m^2)
- n=number density of charge carriers (m^-3)
- v= average drift speed on charge carriers (ms^-1)
- q=charge of each charge carrier (m^-3)
-The same equation is used whether the charge carriers are positive or negative
Defining Potential Difference
- A cell makes one end of the circuit positive and the other negative. This sets up a potential difference (d) across the circuit
- The potential difference across a component in a circuit is defined as the energy transferred per unit charge flowing from one point to another
- The energy transfer is from electrical energy into other forms
- Potential difference is measured in volts (V). This is the same as a Joule per coulomb (J C-1)
- The potential difference of a power supply connected in series is always shared between all the components in the circuit
a voltmeter
- Potential difference or voltage is measured using a voltmeter
- A voltmeter is always set up in parallel to the component you are measuring the voltage for
Calculating Potential Difference
- The potential difference is defined as the energy transferred per unit charge
- Another measure of energy transfer is work done
- Therefore, potential difference can also be defined as the work done per unit charge
V= W/Q
Calculating Electrical Power
- Power P was defined as the rate of doing work
- Potential difference is the work done per unit charge
- Current is the rate of flow of charge
Power equation in terms of resistance
- -Using V = IR to rearrange for either V or I and substituting into the power equation means we also write power in terms of resistance R
- P= I^2R
- P=V^2/R
Defining Resistance
- Resistance is defined as the opposition to current
- For a given potential difference: The higher the resistance the lower the current
- -Wires are often made from copper because copper has a low electrical resistance.
- This is also known as a good conductor
- The resistance R of a conductor is defined as the ratio of the potential difference V across to the current I in it
Resistance of a component is the ratio of the potential difference and current
R= V/I
- Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω)
- An Ohm is defined as one volt per ampere
- The resistance controls the size of the current in a circuit
- A higher resistance means a smaller current
- A lower resistance means a larger current
- All electrical components, including wires, have some value of resistance
Ohm’s Law
- states that for a conductor at a constant temperature, the current through it is proportional to the potential difference across it
- Constant temperature implies constant resistance
Ohm’s Law equation
An electrical component obeys Ohm’s law
if its graph of current against potential difference is a straight line through the origin
- —A resistor obeys Ohm’s law
- —A filament lamp does not obey Ohm’s law
-This applies to any metal wires, provided that the current isn’t large enough to increase their temperature
Resistance in a Filament Lamp
- The I-V graph for a filament lamp shows the current increasing at a proportionally slower rate than the potential difference
- This is because:
- As the current increases, the temperature of the filament in the lamp increases
- Since the filament is a metal, the higher temperature causes an increase in resistance
- Resistance opposes the current, causing the current to increase at a slower rate
- Where the graph is a straight line, the resistance is constant
- The resistance increases as the graph curves
Resistance and temperature
- All solids are made up of vibrating atoms
- The higher the temperature, the faster these atoms vibrate
- Electric current is the flow of free electrons in a material
- The electrons collide with the vibrating atoms which impedes their flow, hence the current decreases
- So, if the current decreases, then the resistance will increase (V = IR)
- Therefore, an increase in temperature causes an increase in resistance
- All materials have some resistance to the flow of charge
- As free electrons move through a metal wire, they collide with ions which get in their way
- As a result, they transfer some, or all, of their kinetic energy on collision, which causes electrical heating
The length and width of the wire affect its resistance
- The resistivity equation shows that:
- The longer the wire, the greater its resistance
- *-The thicker the wire, the smaller its resistance**
R = pL/A
- R=resistance(Ω)
- p=resistivity (ΩM)
- L= lenght (M)
- A= cross-sectional area (M^2)
- is a property that describes the extent to which a material opposes the flow of electric current through it
- It is a property of the material, and is dependent on temperature
- Resistivity is measured in Ω m
resistivity of materials means
- The higher the resistivity of a material, the higher its resistance
- This is why copper, with its relatively low resistivity at room temperature, is used for electrical wires — current flows through it very easily
- Insulators have such a high resistivity that virtually no current will flow through them
Resistance in a Light-Dependent Resistor
- A light-dependent resistor (LDR) is a non-ohmic conductor and sensory resistor
- Its resistance automatically changes depending on the light energy falling onto it (illumination)
- As the light intensity increases, the resistance of an LDR decreases
LDRs can be used as light sensors
- so, they are useful in circuits which automatically switch on lights when it gets dark, for example, street lighting and garden lights
- In the dark, its resistance is very large (millions of ohms)
- in bright light, its resistance is small (tens of ohms)
Resistance in a Thermistor
- A thermistor is a non-ohmic conductor and sensory resistor
- Its resistance changes depending on its temperature
- As the temperature increases the resistance of a thermistor decreases
As the potential difference across the LDR increases
- the light intensity increases causing its resistance to decrease
- Ohm’s law states that V = IR
- The resistance is equal to V/I or 1/R = I/V = gradient of the graph
- Since R decreases, the value of 1/R increases, so the gradient must increase
- Therefore, I increases with the p.d with an increasing gradient
- are temperature sensors and are are used in circuits in ovens, fire alarms and digital thermometers
- As the thermistor gets hotter, its resistance decreases
- As the thermistor gets cooler, its resistance increases
Charge on a drop
- F=Eq (electric field strength x charge)
- F=mg (mass x gravitational field strength)
- So q = mg/E