Chapter 9- Consequeces to Reduce Flashcards
Principles/ Guidelines for reductive procedures
Least intrusive alternative
fair pair
Why is punishment negatively reinforcing to teachers?
It can make teachers lose sight of the side effects or reactions that may accompany the use of punishment.
Four levels of procedural alternatives for behavior reduction
Reinforcement-based strategies
Removal of desirable stimuli
Presentation of aversive stimuli
What is extinction used in conjunction with?
Reinforcing other, more appropriate behaviors. Combining procedures this way appears to speed extinction.
Two problems with extinction
May take considerable time to produce reduction in behavior
Teachers should expect an increase in the rate, duration, or intensity of the behavior before significant reduction occurs.
Response cost
Occurs when reinforcers are removed in an attempt to reduce behavior
How does the magnitude of the penalties impact student’s behavior?
Large fines may make a token worthless. For example, if students learn that an entire day’s work can be wiped out by a fine, they are unlikely to work very hard.
Nonexclusion time-out
the student remains in the instructional area
exclusion time-out
the student is removed from the instructional area
time-out ribbon model
used both with individual students and with groups of students. During a lesson, each student would wear a ribbon tie while behaving in a socially appropriate manner. If they misbehaved, the ribbon was removed.
Contingent observation
moving students to the edge of an activity so that they can still observe other students’ appropriate behavior and its reinforcement
Environmental manipulation
If students misbehave, materials are removed from their environment as a consequence.
restitutional overcorrection
requires that the student restore or correct an environment that he or she has disturbed not only to its original condition, but beyond.
positive-practice overcorrection
the student who has engaged in an inappropriate behavior is required to engage in exaggerated or overly correct practice of the appropriate behavior
negative practice
requires that the student repeatedly perform the inappropriate behavior