Chapter 9: Chattels and private residence Flashcards
Chattles definition
Defined as tangible moving property
Some chattles are exempt from capital gains tax - for example cars, wasting chattles and those that are sold for less than £6000
Wasting Chattles
Life under under 50 years
Non-wasting chattles
Life over 50 years
Disposal of non-wasting chattles:
Sold and purchased for under £6000
Disposal of non-wasting chattles:
Sold for less than £6000
Purchased for more than £6000
Restrict the loss:
Take gross proceeds as £6000
Disposal of non-wasting chattles:
Sold for more than £6000
Purchased for less than £6000
Lower of:
-normal gain
-5/3 x (gross sale proceeds - £6000)
Disposal of non-wasting chattles:
Sold more than £6000
purchased for more than £6000
normal capital gains tax disposal
Principle Private residences for full period of ownership
Never occupied principle private residence
Fully chargeable to CGT
Occupied for part of period of ownership
Calculate full gain and deduct PPR relief
PPR relief
(period of occupation) / total period of ownership) * gain
Periods that are always considered to be Deemed occupation
-last 9 months, provided the property was the taxpayers PPR at some point
periods considered to be deemed occupation provided they are preceded and followed by ACTUAL occupation (4 rules)
-any period OVERSEAS due to employment reasons
-Any periods (up to 4 years) when the taxpayer was required to work elsewhere in the UK
-Any periods (up to 4 years) where the taxpayer was self-employed and had to work away from home either in UK or overseas
-any periods for WHATEVER reason not exceeding 3 years total
Tax planning
carefully check and if possible - plan periods of absence from the property to try ensure that deemed residency will apply
all periods of absence are proceeded and followed by actual occupation
Make use of the last 9 months deemed residency by selling the property within 9 months of leaving the property
Private residences - Tax brackets
Basic rate / lower rate : 18%
Higher rate = 28%