Chapter 9 Flashcards
The number of participants or sample size in a qualitative study is adequate when which of the following occurs?
Saturation of data is achieved, and additional subjects provide no new information.
Which of the following would the nurse would not consider when critiquing the adequacy of a sample?
Possibility of a type I error
Nurse researchers wanted to study the characteristics of parents who have abused their children. They initially identified parents who consented to participate in the study. Next, they asked these subjects to identify other individuals who might participate in the study. What sampling method was used in this study?
Match the definition with the types of sampling. Sample selection ensures that each element has a chance to be selected for the study.
Probability sampling
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Expected difference in values that occurs when examining different subjects from the same sample:
Random variation
Match the definition with the types of sampling. Obtaining a population where composing a sampling frame is severely inhibited:
Cluster sampling
Which of the following methods provides a sample that is most likely to be representative of the target population?
Simple random sampling
The sample includes adults over the age of 18, able to read and speak English, and hospitalized for their first abdominal surgery. What is this an example of?
Inclusion sampling criteria
A researcher asked nurses in a hospital to participate in a study that examined the leadership of the hospital. A total of 500 subjects were asked to participate, and 200 consented to be in the study. What does the sample in this study demonstrate?
Systematic variation
A researcher asked nurses in a hospital to participate in a study that examined the leadership of the hospital. A total of 500 subjects were asked to participate, and 200 consented to be in the study. What is the refusal rate for this study?
According to sampling theory, findings can be generalized to the
target population.
How can the adequacy of a quantitative study’s sample size best be evaluated?
Conducting a power analysis
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. List of every potential subject in the population:
Sampling frame
A researcher was conducting a phenomenological study of the lived experience of losing a limb. A convenience sampling method was used to obtain subjects. Subjects were recruited for the study until an equal number of males and females were obtained. The total sample was 14 (7 males and 7 females). What is the sampling method used in this study?
A researcher selected only people with a high intelligence quotient (IQ) to be in her study so that they would perform well on the multiple-choice tests administered to measure the subjects’ knowledge in the study. This study demonstrates which of the following?
Systematic variation in the sample
Which of the following is a type of nonprobability sampling?
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Specific selection of subjects with certain characteristics by the investigator to be in the study:
Purposive sampling
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Phenomenon that occurs when the selected subjects—measurement values vary in some way from those of the population:
Systemic variation
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Technique used to select underrepresented groups in the population:
Quota sampling
The sample for a study was randomly selected from a list of registered nurses (RNs) obtained from the Board of Nurse Examiners (BNE) for Texas. The study had a cultural focus, so the final sample included 100 Caucasian, 100 Hispanic, and 100 African American RNs. What type of sampling method was used in this study?
Stratified random
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Securing individuals through social contacts for the study:
Network sampling
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. Subjects are not selected with probability sampling methods:
Convenience sampling
A nurse researcher conducted a grounded theory study of the self-care behavior of patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Ten subjects were selected because they were judged to have strong self-care behavior, and 10 subjects were selected because of their poor self-care behavior. What sampling method was used in this study?
Match the definitions with the types of sampling. The number of subjects who meet the criteria of the study:
Target population
A research article states that “participants were recommended by others already in the study.” What is this an example of?
Snowball sampling