Chapter 9 Flashcards
what does developer do?
forms the image, turns film into negative, film emulsion turns into metallic silver, light turns to dark, dark turns to light. It is time and temp sensitive.
what does stop bath do?
neutralizes the development, stops further development. Has acetic acid. Can last a long time and is reuseable.
What does Fixer do?
Film is still light sensitive until fixer is complete. Removes the unexposed silver, and is reuseable.
What is fixer remover?
a chemical that converts the fixer to a compound that washes away more easily.
What is Agitation and why is it important?
an important and crucial part of development, should be done throughout for even development. causes air belles- which are marks caused by air bubbles
Air Belles
Marks caused by air bubbles
How do you adjust for exposure
Film development determines negative contrast.
Pushing film is?
increasing the development. Exposure for the shadows; develop for the highlights. pushing will make the highlights more dense on the negative, but more grain will be creatve.
pulling film is?
decreasing film development time, lower negative contrast, overexpose the film, under develop.
Film development error 1: Frame numbers, but no images
No exposure In camera
Film development error 2: completely clear film, no frame numbers, or images
No development, might’ve used the fixer before the developer when developing film.
Film development error 3: purple or cream colored blotches
Film not loaded on reel correctly
Film development error 4: Film completely black
Film fully exposed to light before development
Film development error 5: Film unevenly darkened
alowed light to enter the tank or rolled film in a room that wasn’t completely dark
Film development error 6: film unevenly darkened
Incomplete fixing
Film development error 7: film fully developed only along one side
insufficient developer in tank.
Film development error 8: Overlapping images
Film did not fully advance through the camera.