Chapter 9 Flashcards
PR Process (RPCE)
Research, Planning, Communication, Evaluation
PR Plan Steps (GOST)
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics
PR Actions
designed to affect org’s relationship w particular public
Tactics as Messages/Channels
generally, tactic is message with a channel –source to message to channel to receiver to feedback, surrounded by noise
Communication channels (SUC)
special events, uncontrolled media, controlled media
Special Events**:
actions instead of words,
psuedoevents (highly visible actions designed for participants and observers to attract media attention – not newsworthy but can stir up controversy and get news that way)
Controlled media
words/images, timing, frequency - PR practitioners have direct control over form/channel/timing - eg newsletters, speeches, podcasts, ads, brochures, websites, paid media
Uncontrolled media
gatekeeper regulation, 3rd party endorsements - news media, “earned” media, social media
control benefit/downside
control words and images, but issues of credibility and cost
successful tactics (ATTRACOE)
APPROVED in written plan
TIED - to org goals
TARGET - one public at a time
RESEARCH - based
ACHIEVES - values and interests
CLEAR message - target public
OBJECTIVE - specified
social media (POCCC)
participation, openness, conversation, community, connectedness
SM tactics
Blogs (“web logs”) - author opinions, reader participation
Networks – link small personal websites within larger eg Facebook, LinkedIn
Content communities – seek particular input from ind or org (YouTube, Digg [seeks news and encourages feedback])
Wikis - websites, online multimedia documents, allow different ind to add content, perpetual works in progress
Podcasts (downloadable audio programs, can be video)
SM news release: little use for trad. news release – use snippets, quotes, facts, videos, links
Employee Relations Tactics (FIVE NIMBES)
Face to Face meetings
Bulletin boards
Events (Special)
Media Relations Tactics
Media Kits (fact sheets [not story], backgrounders, photo op, etc)
Media Advisories (not story)
News releases
News conferences
pitches (letters, email, telephone)
Video news release
actualities (sound bites for radio/web)
news release (4 details)
- one page double spaced
- reverse pyramid style * most important at the top?
- add backgrounder/other info as attachments
- ALWAYS include contact info