Chapter 11 Flashcards
Web 2.0
Emphasize sharing/online collaboration
Shift power in public debate on SM
Effects how PR practitioners reach targeted audiences
Web 3.0
Transformed digital media platfrom
Revolutionize how info is gathered
Semantic Web - more intelligent/intuitive/gather info based on content/meaning
Recognize relationships/link sources/databases
Social media
Bypass traditional media
Public can bypass media
Need to know how to id, monitor, engage
message/medium must link to values of communicator/targeted publics
values not linked to changes in technology
Analog communication
relays all info in original message in form of continuously varying signals
Digital communication
translates analog into computer-readable bits of info
integrated multimedia - incorporate audio, visual, textual info
wireless communication
global comms = mobile/responsive/cost-effective
global experiences
ie smartphones
narrows comms gap b/w rich & poor nations
social ramifications of technology
new town commons
redefined communities
Media conglomeration
preservation of personal privacy
job security
protection of intellectual property
New Town Commons
where people get latest news, share grief, engage in thoughtful political discussion
internet went from place for academic researchers to town commons of 21st century
Redefined communities
changed social relationships
look different from traditional relationships, but share similar elements
need to learn new values of these communities
media conglomeration
when media companies merge – now own means of production/distribution across wide spectrum of media
“the class with the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production” - Marx
Time Warner
Largest media conglomerate - New Line Cinema, Time Inc, HBO, Turner, CW, WB, Warner Bros, CNN, DC Comics, etc
Preservation of Personal privacy
easier to gather/store/transmit personal info
Always a risk with online, despite safeguards
Job Security
new tech = more productivity
Also = possibility of doing jobs with fewer workers
Protection of intellectual property
digital tech makes copies that are identical to original - implications for protecting copyrighted material
PR strategies/tactics to deal w publics via, and issues related to, the internet
Internet can be both cause and solution to organizational problems
virtual PR
small independent consultancies w look/feel of larger agencies
benefited from outsourcing
personal freedom makes it popular
Viral Marketing
info passed along via internet/SM
Proven tactic in 2003 SARS outbreak
word of mouth marketing
effort to generate 3rd party endorsements
create communities to pass favourable messages to friends
way of cutting through marketing message clutter
Good Website
well-defined strategic purpose
content Encourages return visits
user friendly
clear, concise writing
Push Technology*
goes directly to certain user BUT hard to reach certain individuals
personalizes info flow, makes targeting increasingly difficult
A way to deal with each individual as gatekeeper
Individuals as publishers - positives
communicating more cost-efficient/effective
Emergence of citizen journalist
forms – blogs, podcasts, YouTube
individuals as publishers - negatives
no rigorous editorial scrutiny
need employees to align w corporate values
not everything worthy of publication
Online generation gap
Internet-related issue
seniors online
computers less expensive, more accessible
BUT can’t assume everyone has access to internet
Global Digital Divide
location/socioeconomic status dictates ability to reach web
English speakers are 8% of population, but 35.2% of internet users
Wide gap in access between rich and poor
Research problems
as research tool internet is:
mile wide, inch deep
weaker than traditional research methods
accuracy issues
need to verify
spamming ≠ relationship
Spam: unwelcome commercial use of IM
Hackers/computer viruses
Passive communication
people have to go to a web site
w push technology, people have to sign up
Career implications
short-term need - for people who possess only technical skills
content remains important
need to be well-rounded, multi-skilled
New not better
new tech might not fully replace old
old tech finds new niches
old can be more appropriate than new
Convergence of media
consequence of digital revolution - no barriers between mediums