Chapter 9 Flashcards
A desire aim or outcome (something you are trying to achieve )
Ex goals
Reaching a pb
Improving on your free thrwos
Benefits of setting goals
Give purpose and direction
Confidence can be improved m
Can check their progress
S (smarter
Goal must be specific
Agreed with your coach first
This will help ensure that goals are both challenging and achievable
Realistic loss in failure and demotivation
Time phased
Difficult to know if your making prgress
Targets that arenβt challenging enough could lead to boredom and demotivation
Helps you to keep track of your targets and allows you to check when they are met
Smarter goal shooting in netball
I will increase my goal success rate from 5/10 to 7/10
The number of successful shoots can be measured
Improve by 20% is realistic
By the end of June
Exciting will improve confidence
How goal setting can be used to control anxiety
A negative reaction from a performer to stress causing the performer to feel worried nervous or apprehensive
How can goal setting can be used to control anxiety
Goals can instil confidence as performers know that they have trained and prepared properly. Performers are focused on their objective and feel in control of the situation
Less likely to worry about what could go wrong
The desired required to be successful. The driving force d that makes you do something and decide how much effort to put in
Motivation can be seen by
Amount of effort
Direct our focus and effort
Stick to a task especially on that is difficult
Willing to sacrifice for success
Intrinsic motivation
Motivation that comes from simply doing the activity rather than to gain external prizes or rewards
Ex of intrinsic motivation
Social rewards associated with playing in a team
Satisfaction that comes for, overcoming challenges
Seeing improvements in physical fitness
Extrinsic motivation
Motivating forces that come from outside the person and the activity
Sources of extrinsic motivation
Praise from parents, crowd or coach
Rewards in terms of money, prizes or trophies
Desire for attention, publicity or fake
Sponsors or a better contract
Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something
Incentives can be intrinsic or extrinsic in natire