chapter-9 Flashcards
__ are the backbone of the Air Force. (183)
NC Os.
What is the essential purpose of an organized militaryforce? (183)
To defend the state’s interests, by force of arms if necessary.(This task is unique to the military profession.)
The military profession is a calling that requires adevotion to service and willingness to sacrifice at thesame levels as those required in the business world. T/F(183)
False. (It requires devotion and sacrifice far beyond thoserequired in the business world.)
Why does the enlisted force need a common approachto career progression, professional development,and acquiring increased supervisory and leadership responsibilities?(183)
Because it is a diverse corps of functionally and operationallyspecialized Airmen.
What provides consistent, well-defined expectations,standards and opportunities for growth for all Airmen inevery specialty and command? (183)
The enlisted force structure.
What does the enlisted force structure reflect? (183)
The Air Force core values (Integrity First, Service BeforeSelf and Excellence in All We Do), which are the foundationof all Air Force policies, guidance and overall focus.
The enlisted force structure provides what threethings? (183)
1) A structure that best meets mission requirements; 2) acommon stable career structure for all enlisted personnel;and 3) an opportunity for professional growth for all Airmen.
What five things does the enlisted force structuredefine? (183)
1) Its three tiers; 2) the three levels of enlisted leadership and development; 3) the roles, responsibilities, expectations andofficial terms of address of each enlisted rank; 4) specialSNCO positions; and 5) official duty titles for the enlistedforce.
Each in the enlisted force structure correspondsto higher training levels, education, technicalcompetence, experience, leadership and managerial responsibilities.(184)
What are the three tiers of the enlisted force structure?(184)
The 1) Junior Enlisted Airman tier; 2) NCO tier; and 3)SNCO tier.
What ranks are included in the Junior Enlisted Airmantier of the enlisted force structure? (184)
AB, Arnn, AlC and SrA.
What is the initial focus of those in the Junior EnlistedAirman tier of the enlisted force structure? (184)
Adapting to the military profession’s requirements, achievingtechnical proficiency and becoming productive servicemembers.
Upon achieving what rank do Airmen begin to exerciselimited supervision and leadership while preparingfor increased responsibilities and expanding their technicalskills? (184)
Sr A.
The ____ tier of the enlisted force structure includesSSgts and TSgts serving as first-line supervisors whilebecoming expert hands-on technicians.
NCO tier.
What are the three major responsibilities of NCOs?(184)
1) Ensuring their team members work together; 2) developingtheir subordinates into the future’s NCOs; and 3) continuingto develop their own leadership skills.
Which tier of the enlisted force structure includesMSgts, SMSgts and CMSgts who are critical to the AirForce’s ability to project air power? (184)
The SNCO tier.
What should be the primary focus for those in theSNCO tier of the enlisted force structure? (184)
Accomplishing the mission by skillfully using and developingteams, as well as participating in the decisionmakingprocess appropriately.
The three enlisted leadership and development levelsapply to all members of the enlisted force. What arethey? (184)
1) Tactical; 2) operational; and 3) strategic.
The tactical level of enlisted leadership and developmentnormally applies to members in what ranks?(184)
AB through TSgt.
What is the primary focus of the tactical level of enlistedleadership and development? (184)
Accomplishing all assigned work as efficiently as possibleusing the personnel and resources available.
At what enlisted leadership and developmental leveldo SNCOs (typically working at the Numbered Air Force(NAF) level and below) transition from expert techniciansand first-line supervisors to leaders with broaderresponsibilities? (184)
The operational level.
What do SNCOs at the operational level of enlistedleadership and development continue to develop? (184)
Their expertise, experience, and management and leadershipskills to convert direction into mission accomplishment.
The majority of the enlisted force spends their entirecareers at the and levels of enlisted leadershipand development, where their natural strengths ofcompetencies, experience and day-to-day mission focusare required. (184)
Tactical and operational levels.
CMSgts (and a few other SNCOs assigned to higherHQ) serve in what positions that constitute the strategiclevel of enlisted leadership and development? (184)
Key leadership positions at the DoD, Headquarters Air Force(HAF), MAJCOMs, Direct Reporting Units (DRU) and selectagencies and HQ.
What abilities do SNCOs serving at the strategiclevel of enlisted leadership and development continue todevelop? (184)
Their knowledge of Air Force institutional management processesand challenges, ability to advise senior leaders, participationin top-level decisionmaking processes, drafting policies, managing career fields and leading far-reaching programs.
What is the primary focus of the strategic level ofenlisted leadership and development? (184)
Strategic leadership and management of the force that satisfiescurrent and future requirements.
Name four general junior enlisted Airman responsibilities.(185)
1) Accepting and executing all duties, instructions, responsibilitiesand lawful orders in a timely, efficient manner; 2)being effective followers; 3) placing official duty requirementsand responsibilities above their personal desires; and4) issuing lawful orders if placed in charge ofa work activityor other Airmen.
To attain and maintain the highest level of personalreadiness and meet Air and Space Expeditionary Force(AEF) mission requirements, Airmen must be ready toaccomplish the mission in what five ways? (185-186)
1) Technically; 2) physically; 3) mentally; 4) spiritually; and5) by meeting all predeployment requirements if postured todeploy.
How can junior enlisted Airmen be technically readyto accomplish the mission? (185)
Have a skill level commensurate with their rank and maintaina high degree of proficiency in their specialty.
How can junior enlisted Airmen be physically readyto accomplish the mission? (185)
Maintain good physical condition, meet Air Force fitnessstandards and participate in the Air Force Fitness Program.
How can junior enlisted Airmen be mentally ready toaccomplish the mission? (185-186)
Deal with issues that detract from mission focus, diminishmotivation, erode positive attitudes and reduce the quality oftheir work. (Seek help ifnecessary.)
What kinds of issues can detract from mental readiness?(185)
Quality of life, financial problems, sexual harassment, discrimination,stress, marital problems and substance abuse.
If a junior enlisted Airman is having difficulty dealingwith an issue that detracts from mental readiness, heor she can seek assistance from whom? (186)
His or her supervisory chain, first sergeant, commander,chaplain or an appropriate referral agency. (Airmen are expectedto take positive steps to resolve these issues responsi- ..,_/bly.)
What is the Air Force’s policy regarding discrimina~tion and sexual harassment? (186)
“Zero tolerance.”
To whom should junior enlisted Airmen immediatelyreport anyone who may be exhibiting suicidal behavior?(186)
Their supervisory chain, first sergeant or commander. (FellowAirmen are extremely important in suicide prevention.)
How can junior enlisted Airmen be spiritually readyto accomplish the mission? (186)
Develop the personal qualities needed to get through times ofstress, hardship and tragedy.
Spiritual readiness always includes religious activities.T/F (186)
False. (It may or may not include religious activities.)
Junior enlisted Airmen should correct personnel whoviolate what military standards? (186)
Professional behavior, military bearing, respect for authorityand dress and appearance.
__ are primarily learners operating at the tacticallevel of enlisted leadership and development. They canperform basic tasks under close supervision at their firstduty station. (186)
Arnn, operating at the __ level of enlisted leadershipand development, should understand and conform tomilitary standards, customs and courtesies. (186)
Although Arnn remain focused on learning and requiresignificant supervision and support, what shouldthey begin to show? (186)
Basic task proficiency.
What is required of an AlC? (186)
He or she must master many skills while becoming an effectiveteam member. (Al Cs must fully comply with Air Forcestandards.)
AlCs operate at the tactical level of enlisted leadershipand development and no longer require supervisionto progress. T/F (186)
False. (They require continued supervision.)
SrA establish themselves as effective first-line supervisorswith whose guidance and assistance? (186)
The NCOs above them.
When may Sr A become reporting officials? (186)
After completing ALS.
How are Sr A commonly used? (186)
As skilled technicians and trainers operating at the tacticallevel.
Name several general NCO responsibilities. (186-188)
Any of the following: 1) accept and execute all duties, instructions,responsibilities and lawful orders in a timely, efficientmanner; 2) be effective leaders and followers; 3) maintainthe highest level of readiness technically, physically,mentally and spiritually; 4) prepare themselves and theirsubordinates to meet all predeployment requirements; 5)accept the responsibility and accountability that comes withleadership; 6) support and explain leaders’ decisions; 7) stayinvolved with their personnel on a daily basis; 8) epitomizeexcellence and lead by example; 9) provide career counselingto subordinates; 10) promote a culture of flexible Airmenable to master many tasks; 11) secure and promote PME andprofessional enhancement for themselves and their subordinates;and 12) promote organizational esprit de corps andfoster good community relations.
What is an NCO’s primary purpose? (187)
To be a skilled technician in his or her assigned specialty andbuild, prepare and lead teams to accomplish the mission.
How should NCOs monitor and address their subordinates’mental readiness? (187)
By 1) helping them identify and resolve their personal, financial,marital, alcohol and stress-related problems; 2) activelysupporting the “zero tolerance” policy for discriminationand sexual harassment; 3) watching for signs of suicidalbehavior; 4) familiarizing themselves with the off-duty opportunitiesand living conditions of their subordinates; and 5)recognizing and rewarding individuals whose military conductand duty performance exceed standards and holdingsubordinates who do not meet them accountable.
__ are often in the best position to detect earlyindications of personal, financial, marital, alcohol andstress-related problems in their subordinates and are keyto identifying, addressing and resolving them. (187)
Supervisors. (They must stay involved and be supportive astheir subordinates struggle to resolve these problems.)
What should an NCO do if he or she notices a personexhibiting possible suicidal behavior? (187)
Ask the person directly ifhe or she is thinking of hurting himor herself, then immediately seek assistance from the firstsergeant, commander, security forces, chaplain, life skillssupport center or medical personnel. Remain with the individual until relieved by the proper authority.
How should NCOs help their subordinates becomespiritually ready to accomplish the mission? (187)
Provide assistance to subordinates who are struggling withtheir spiritual readiness through the chaplain, life skills supportcenter or other support agencies.
In addition to meeting predeployment requirementswhen postured to deploy, what must NCOs do to ensuredeployment readiness? (187)
They must educate and assist subordinates with deploymentpreparation and correct and counsel those who do not meetdeployment readiness standards.
Responsibility and accountability increase commensuratewith __ . (187)
Within the enlisted grades, how do NCOs take rankand precedence over all junior enlisted Airmen and otherNCOs? (187)
According to rank.
Within the same grade, how is rank and precedencedetermined? (188)
By 1) Date of Rank (DOR); 2) Total Active Federal MilitaryService Date (TAFMSD); 3) pay date; and 4) Date of Birth(DOB).
One way that NCOs demonstrate responsibility andaccountability is by 1) understanding the Air Force corevalues, the Airman’s Creed and the Air Force symbol.Name two other ways. (188)
Any two of the following: by 2) staying informed on issuesaffecting the Air Force via social media sites and e-mailwithout discrediting the Air Force or compromising operationalsecurity; 3) monitoring individual and group dynamicsthat affect readiness and safety; and 4) maintaining a “zerotolerance” environment regarding behaviors that preventAirmen from achieving their full potential.
At a minimum, when must an NCO provide careercounseling to subordinates? (188)
In conjunction with performance feedback counseling orwhen a subordinate comes up for quality review under theSelective Reenlistment Program (SRP).
Commanders may place NCOs in charge of moresenior NCOs of the same grade. T/F (188)
True. (These NCOs are then authorized to issue lawful orders.Failure to obey violates Article 92, UCMJ.)
Name two ways NCOs can promote a culture of flexibleAirmen. (188)
Consider for themselves and encourage subordinates to 1) retrain into Air Force shortage career fields, when appropriate;and 2) serve in special duties, such as military traininginstructor, PME instructor, recruiter, etc.
SSgts strive to develop greater supervisory and technicalcompetence. Operating at the tactical level of enlistedleadership and development, what do they require?(188)
Opportunities to demonstrate growth as leaders.
__ , technical experts in their specialties, developand supervise their assigned enlisted personnel and operateat the tactical level of enlisted leadership and development.(189)
What are the general responsibilities of SNCOs?(189)
In addition to meeting NCO responsibilities, they must 1)provide highly effective leadership; 2) translate leader directionsfor their teams; 3) be active, visible leaders; 4) helpleadership make informed decisions; 5) support developmentof Company Grade Officers (COO); 6) epitomize excellence,professionalism and competence; 7) ensure efficient andeffective use of resources; 8) promote a culture of flexibleAirmen who adapt to evolving requirements throughout their ...,..tcareers; 9) continue professional development through avariety of means; and 10) promote organizational esprit decorps and foster good community relations.
Why should SNCOs study their leaders’ decisions?(189)
To understand their leaders’ rationale and goals in order tofully leverage their own personal experience and knowledgeto more effectively accomplish the mission.
How can SNCOs support the development of CompanyGrade Officers (CGO)? (189)
By sharing knowledge and experience, as appropriate, tomeet their organization’s challenges.
How do SNCOs ensure the efficient use of resources?(189)
By planning resource utilization, replenishment and budgetallocation to ensure personnel have the equipment and resourcesnecessary to effectively accomplish the mission.
How can SNCOs continue their professional development?(190)
Through professional reading, voluntary CDCs, lectures, offdutyeducation and leadership seminars. (Personal professionalgrowth never ends.)
__ transition from technical experts and first-linesupervisors to leaders and managers normally working atthe operational level of enlisted leadership and development.(189)
Members in which rank, normally at the operationallevel of enlisted leadership and development, are experiencedleaders continuing to develop their skills by preparingfor expanded responsibilities and higher leadershippositions? (190)
What are the distinctive roles CMSgts may hold,serving at either the operational or strategic levels of enlistedleadership and development? (190)
Commandants, superintendents, program managers, CommandChief Master Sergeants (CCM), functional managersand career field managers.
Only the very best NCOs - those who epitomize thefinest qualities of military leadership - are selected asCMSgts. What do they bring to their organizations?(190)
Substantial institutional, operational and functional experience,as well as strong leadership skills.
Enlisted duty titles enable rapid identification of aperson’s role and level of responsibility. How are theyassigned? (190)
Based on the scope of responsibility and duties performed.(A consistent, standard approach is important to ensure thetitles are meaningful.)
List the eight official authorized duty titles in theenlisted force (excluding special SNCO duty positions).(190-191)
1) Supervisor; 2) NCOIC; 3) Section Chief; 4) Flight Chief;5) Squadron Superintendent; 6) Superintendent; 7) Manager;and 8) Chief.
What are the prerequisites for the title of Supervisor?(190)
Must be at least a SrA, an Airman Leadership School (ALS)graduate and supervise the work of others.
What enlisted duty title is used only for someone whois in charge of a workcenter or element, has subordinatesupervisors and whose primary duty is program or functionalmanagement, even if he or she does not directlysupervise personnel? (190)
What determines the rank of a section chief or aflight chief? (190)
The size of the section or flight (number of enlisted personnel,number of workcenters and scope of responsibilities).
What enlisted duty title is given the enlisted leader ofa squadron? (190)
Squadron Superintendent. (Usually a CMSgt, but may occasionallybe a SMSgt or MSgt.)
What enlisted duty title is given to SNCOs in chargeof group- or wing-level functions, or who oversee functionswithin a squadron? (191)
Managers and Chiefs are program, project or policymanagers at what levels? (191)
Numbered Air Force (NAF), MAJCOM, Direct ReportingUnit (DRU), Field Operating Agency (FOA), Joint Staff orAir Staff levels.
Managers and Chiefs may be the enlisted leader ofthe branch, division or __ . (191)
Directorate. (They may or may not have personnel workingfor them.)
List several special SNCO positions. (191-193)
First sergeant, group superintendent, enlisted academy commandant,enlisted MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM),Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM), Command ChiefMaster Sergeant (CCM) and CMSAF.
What are the duties of the first sergeant, an expeditionaryleader working directly for and deriving authorityfrom the commander? (191)
To 1) be the commander’s link to the unit for all matters concerningenlisted members; 2) provide the commander with amission-ready enlisted force; 3) be a vital link between thecommander, unit personnel and support agencies; 4) ensurethe enlisted force understands the commander’s policies,goals and objectives; 5) ensure support agencies are responsiveto the needs of unit personnel and their families; and 6)watch for and resolve issues that would adversely impactAirmen readiness.
How is the first sergeant identified on his or her uniform?(191, 191-Fig)
With a distinguishing diamond device on the chevron.
How long is a tour of duty as a first sergeant? (191)
Three years (with options to remain up to three more years).
First sergeant duty is considered retraining. T IF(191)
False. (SNCOs normally return to their previous career fieldwith the knowledge and experience they gained.)
What unique SNCO position is filled by CMSgts whoare enlisted leaders at the group level? (191)
Group superintendent.
What are the duties of the group superintendent?(191)
To 1) provide leadership and manage assigned personnel toeffectively achieve the organization’s mission; 2) manageand direct resource activities; 3) interpret and enforce policiesand applicable directives; 4) recommend and initiateactions to improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency;and 5) resolve issues between subordinate squadrons,other groups, wing staff and outside agencies.
Enlisted academy commandants are SNCOs. Wheredo they serve? (192)
Each ALS, NCOA, the Air Force SNCOA and the First SergeantAcademy.
What are the duties of enlisted academy commandants?(192)
They 1) implement and enforce policies, procedures anddirectives; 2) analyze data and provide direction and vision;and 3) coordinate visits from high-ranking leadership.
What is the role of the Vice Commandant, ThomasN. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (BCEE)? (192)
He or she provides leadership, guidance and direction toPME faculty support staff and strategic planning and policyto BCEE schools.
Enlisted MAJCOM Functional Managers (MFM)manage enlisted career fields for MAJCOMs. What aretheir duties? (192)
They 1) serve as MAJ COM liaisons for their Air Force CareerField Managers (AFCFM); 2) monitor their career fieldhealth and manning within their command and elevate concernsto their AFCFM; 3) manage command training; 4)coordinate associated issues with MAJCOM staff and theAFCFM; 5) disseminate policies and program requirementsthroughout the MAJCOM; 6) ensure proper command prioritizationof personnel resources; and 7) provide expertise toAir Education and Training Command (AETC) to developnew training programs or improve existing ones.
Where do enlisted Air Force Career Field Managers(AFCFM) usually serve? (192)
On the Air Staff.
What are the responsibilities of the Air Force CareerField Manager (AFCFM)? (192)
To 1) organize and manage one or more enlisted careerfields; 2) establish career field entry requirements; 3) managetrained personnel requirements and manning; 4) develop andmanage career-long training plan requirements and programs;5) construct viable career paths; 6) evaluate trainingeffectiveness; 7) monitor career field health and manning; 8) provide input on personnel policies and programs; 9) developforce management policies and programs; I 0) develop contingencyplanning policies; 11) validate deployment re- ‘–“quirements and workforce availability; 12) ensure their careerfields are responsive to current and future Air Forceneeds; and 13) communicate directly with other Air Staffoffices, MAJCOM enlisted career field representatives andAir Education and Training Command (AETC) trainingmanagers.
Command Chief Master Sergeants (CCM) serve atwhat organizational level(s)? (192)
MAJCOM, wing and other authorized organizational levels.