chapter-11 Flashcards
What does the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES)provide? (251)
l) Meaningful feedback on expectations; 2) advice on howwell expectations are being met and how to better meet them;3) a reliable, long-term cumulative record of performanceand potential; and 4) information from SNCO evaluationboards, the W APS and other personnel managers to identifythose best qualified for advancement and increased responsibility.
What must the ratee know in the Enlisted EvaluationSystem (EES)? (251)
When 1) feedback sessions are due; 2) to request one ifneeded; and 3) to notify the rater and other evaluators when arequired or requested feedback session is missed.
All Airmen above the pay grade of __ must selfreportcivilian offenses to their supervisors. (251)
When self-reporting, what kind of offenses are Airmenrequired to report? (251)
1) A plea or finding of guilty; 2) a plea of no contest (nolocontendere); and 3) all other actions tantamount to a findingof guilty (including adjudication withheld, deferred prosecution,entry into adult or juvenile pretrial intervention programsand any similar disposition of charges).
Active duty members must self-report a civilian offensewithin __ days of the date their conviction isannounced. (251)
15 days. (Even if the sentence is not yet imposed or if themember intends to appeal.)
The rater has responsibilities in what two EnlistedEvaluation System (EES) areas? (251-252)
Providing performance feedback and performance reporting.
What is the rater’s responsibility in the performancefeedback process of the Enlisted Evaluation System(EES)? (251)
To prepare, schedule and conduct feedback sessions and provide realistic feedback to help the ratee improve.
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), what formsare used to document performance? (252)
AF Form 910, Enlisted Peiformance Report (AB thru TSgt),and AF Form 911, Enlisted Peiformance Report (MSgt thruCMSgt).
In Enlisted Evaluation System (EES) performancereporting, the rater 1) ensures the ratee knows who is inthe rating chain; 2) reviews the ratee’s Personnel InformationFile (PIF) and Unfavorable Information File(UIF), if applicable, before preparing the report; and 3)assesses and documents the ratee’s performance and hisor her potential. List five additional responsibilities. (252)
Any five of the following: 4) obtain meaningful informationfrom the ratee and as many sources as possible; 5) encourageratee input on specific accomplishments; 6) consider thesignificance and frequency of positive and negative incidents;7) record the ratee’s performance; 8) ensure all data onthe EPR matches the EPR notice; 9) make a valid and realisticrecommendation for promotion, if appropriate; and 10)differentiate between ratees with similar performance records.
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), what arethe responsibilities of the additional rater? (252)
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), what arethe responsibilities of the additional rater? (252)
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), the additionalrater must be the rater’s rater, with what exception?(252)
Deviation may be required to meet grade requirements or toaccommodate unique organizational structures.
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), the reviewer/senior rater/final evaluator reviews the Personnel InformationFile (PIF) and Unfavorable Information File(UIF), if applicable; returns performance reports to previousevaluators for reconsideration; and obtains additionalinformation from competent sources if necessary.Identify another responsibility. (252)
When appropriate, he or she concurs or nonconcurs withprevious evaluators and makes comments.
In what four Enlisted Evaluation System (EES) situationswould the senior rater complete Section VII (Reviewer’sComments) of EPR for SNCOs? (252)
1) To differentiate between individuals with similar performancerecords; 2) to meet minimum grade requirements; 3)when the ratee is a CMSgt or CMSgt-selectee; or 4) whenthe ratee is Time in Grade (TIG) eligible. (Refer to AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, for exceptions.)
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), who managesthe EPR program for the organization? (252)
The unit commander.
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), the unitcommander (or squadron section commander) ensuresperformance reports are accurate and realistic; and determinesthe rating chain for assigned personnel. Identifyfour additional responsibilities. (252)
He or she I) ensures first-time supervisors receive specificmandatory training; 2) ensures supervisors conduct performancefeedback sessions as required; 3) ensures the firstsergeant conducts a quality force review on all EPRs; and 4)conducts the commander’s review.
In the Enlisted Evaluation System (EES), first sergeantsreview all EPRs before the commander and advisethe commander of quality force __ . (252)
Performance feedback is a(n) , formal communicationtool used to explain duty performance requirementsand responsibilities and to let the ratee know if heor she is performing as expected. (252)
Performance feedback, if clearly stated and received,should explain duty performance requirements and responsibilities,and tell ratees if they are performing asexpected. How does this help ratees? (252)
It contributes to positive communication, improves theirperformance and helps them grow professionally.
In performance feedback, why is the rater usuallythe immediate supervisor? (252)
The rater is usually responsible for the total job effort and is in the best position to observe daily duty performance. (Also,the rater normally has the knowledge and experience necessaryto discuss expectations related to the AFS.)
In performance feedback, who can be raters? (252-253)
An officer or NCO of a US or foreign military service in agrade equal to or higher than the ratee, or a civilian (GS-5 ora comparable grade or higher) in a supervisory position higherthan the ratee in the ratee’s rating chain.
In the performance feedback process, when may Sr Aserve as raters? (253)
After completing ALS.
Performance feedback sessions are mandatory for allenlisted personnel. T/F (253)
Initial performance feedback sessions are held within__ days of when a rater initially begins supervision.(253)
60 days. (The rater uses this session to clearly define expectationsfor the upcoming rating period.)
What is a midterm feedback session and who mustreceive one? (253)
A session held midway between the date supervision beganand the projected EPR closeout date focusing on how wellthe ratee meets expectations. All AB-SMSgt who receiveEPRs receive one. (They are not required for CMSgts.)
When is a midterm feedback session due for Airmenwho do not receive EPRs? (253)
Approximately 180 days after the initial session. (This cyclecontinues until there is a Change of Rating officer (CRO) orthe airman begins to receive EPRs.)
When do raters conduct a feedback session for ABTSgtwhen an evaluation report is written without a subsequentchange of rater? (253)
The session is conducted within 60 days of the EPR closeout.
Feedback sessions are held if the rater determinesthere is a need for one or within __ days of a requestfrom a ratee (provided at least 60 days have passed sincethe last feedback session). (253)
30 days.
If a Change of Rating Official (CRO) is expected orthe projected EPR closeout date limits the period of supervisionto less than __ days, a feedback sessionshould take place approximately 60 days before the EPR Vcloseout. (253)
150 days.
The Performance Feedback Worksheet (PFW) is aguide for conducting feedback sessions covering whattopics? (253)
Objectives, standards, behavior and performance.
Performance Feedback Worksheet (PFW) commentsmust be handwritten. T/F (253)
False. (They may also be typed.)
When does the rater give the completed PerformanceFeedback Worksheet (PFW) to the ratee? (253)
At the end of the feedback session. (The rater also keeps acopy for personal reference.)
When may the Performance Feedback Worksheet(PFW) be used in any personnel action? (253)
Only ifthe ratee introduces it.
In performance feedback, the rater’s rater is authorizedaccess to the completed Performance FeedbackWorksheet (PFW) for which ranks? (253)
AB-TSgt. (The commander is authorized access for allgrades.)
What is the rater’s main goal when completing AFForm 931, Performance Feedback Worksheet (PFW)?(253)
To develop the ratee. (The form itself is just a tool.)
How many sections are on AF Form 931, PerformanceFeedback Worksheet (PFW)? (253-255, 256-257-Fig)
On AF Form 931, where do you enter the ratee’sname, grade and unit assigned? (253)
Section I, Personal Information.
On AF Form 931, where do you indicate whether thefeedback is initial, midterm, ratee requested or rater directed?(253)
Section II, Types of Feedback.
The ratee’s major job-specific duties are listed inSection III, Primary Duties on AF Form 931. If additionalspace is needed, where should you continue the description?(253)
In Section V, Strengths, Suggested Goals and Additional Comments
Which section of AF Form 931 incorporates bothprimary duty factors and general military factors intoone major category? (253)
Section IV, Performance Feedback.
What primary duty factors are covered in Section IVof AF Form 931? (253)
AFS-related factors with feedback based on occurrences inthe work environment.
What is the focus of the general military factors inSection IV of AF Form 931? (253)
Characteristics considered essential to military order, imageand tradition.
Each subheading in Section IV of AF Form 931 israted by placing an “X” in the performance assessmentblock that most accurately identifies the ratee’s performance.Name the possible ratings. (254, 256-Fig)
1) NIA Initial Feedback; 2) Does Not Meet; 3) Meets; 4)Above Average; 5) Clearly Exceeds; and 6) Exempt (for thefitness factor only).
Why does every marked block in Section IV of AFForm 931 require discussion with the ratee? (254)
So the ratee clearly understands the rater’s position regardingperformance and the directions to take. (Space is also providedto explain ideas and to give examples of the behaviorsnoted.)
What factors comprise the Primary/ Additional Dutiessubheading in Section IV of AF Form 931, whichfocuses on the ratee’s AFS? (254, 256-Fig)
Adapting, learning, quality, timeliness, professional growthand communication skills. (For SSgt/TSgt, additional factorsare supervisory, leadership and technical ability.)
When considering the quality of work factor underthe Primary/Additional Duties subheading in Section IVof AF Form 931, what standard does the rater measurethe ratee’s typical performance results against? (254)
The minimum quality standards established for each job.
What does the timeliness of work factor under thePrimary/Additional Duties subheading in Section IV ofAF Form 931 focus on? (254)
The ratee’s awareness of, and responses to, the job’s timeconstraints.
In the performance feedback process, good __skills help Airmen listen, organize and express ideas verballyand in writing. (254)
In the performance feedback process, supervisionand __ go hand-in-hand while managing people andresources. (254)
In the performance feedback process, __ ability isthe specialized knowledge and skills obtained throughexperience and training. (254)
What should the rater consider when evaluating thePrimary/Additional Duties subheading in Section IV ofAF Form 931? (256-Fig)
Does the ratee 1) display an ability to learn rapidly and adaptquickly to changing situations?; 2) demonstrate accuracy,thoroughness and orderliness in performing work assignments?;3) use systematic methods to accomplish more inless time?; 4) actively support professional organizations?;and 5) effectively communicate management decisions toachieve understanding and acceptance?
What factors comprise the Standards, Conduct,Character & Military Bearing subheading in Section IVof AF Form 931? (254, 256-Fig)
Dress and appearance, and personal/professional conducton/off duty. (For SSgt/TSgt, additional factors are enforcementof standards and customs and courtesies.)
Dress and appearance is a distinction of militaryservice. In the performance feedback process, what iseveryone’s duty in this regard? (254)
To ensure Airmen reflect pride in self, unit, and the AirForce by abiding with and exceeding its requirements.
Since military members are on duty 24 hours a day,every day, what does “off-duty behavior” on the AFForm 931 refer to? (254)
Behavior that occurs away from the normal workplace. (TheAF Form 931 is an opportunity to reinforce expectations inthis area.)
What should the rater remember when discussingthe enforcement of standards factor in the Standards,Conduct, Character & Military Bearing subheading inSection IV of AF Form 931 with the ratee? (254)
Use specific examples, whether positive or negative, whenexplaining expectations versus actual performance.
Customs and courtesies involve the ability to createesprit de corps, morale, discipline, and an atmospherewhere respectful behaviors signal readiness and willingnessto serve. What should the rater discuss when providingperformance feedback on this factor? (254)
Trends and standards.
What should the rater consider when evaluating theStandards, Conduct, Character & Military Bearing subheading in Section IV of AF Form 931? (256-Fig)
Does the ratee 1) meet or exceed Air Force standards fordress and appearance?; 2) project a positive military imageaccording to AFI 36-2903?; 3) achieve success when confrontedwith limited resources?; 4) effectively overcomepersonal and organizational obstacles to achieve results?; and5) support organizational, base and/or community activities(on-duty or off-duty hours)?
When completing the Fitness subheading in SectionIV of AF Form 931, the rater considers whether the rateemaintains physical fitness standards and participates inthe Air Force physical training program. What are thepossible ratings for this factor? (256-Fig)
Does Not Meet, Meets or Exempt.
When completing the Training Requirements subheadingin Section IV of AF Form 931, the factors areupgrade, ancillary, OJT and readiness. What are theadditional factors for SSgt/TSgts? (256-Fig)
PME, off-duty education, technical growth and upgradetraining.
When completing the Training Requirements subheadingin Section IV of AF Form 931, an individual’straining is rated in what four categories? (255)
1) Upgrade training (OJT/CDC); 2) PME; 3) proficiency andqualification training; and 4) contingency, mobility and othertraining.
What are the rater’s responsibilities with regard toPME and the performance feedback process? (255)
The rater must know the various PME courses available tothe ratee and ensure he or she emolls in and successfullycompletes any and all courses necessary for their overallimprovement.
What should the rater consider when evaluating theTraining Requirements subheading in Section IV of AirForce Form 931? (256-Fig)
Does the ratee 1) complete training in the minimum timeallowed?; 2) accomplish readiness requirements in a timelymanner?; 3) have required PME for current grade completed?;4) translate innovative or better ways to do things into aplan of action?; and 5) display a high level of technical competence?
When completing the Teamwork/Followership subheadingin Section IV of AF Form 931, the factors areteam building and support of team and followership.What are the additional factors for SSgt/TSgt? (256-Fig)
Leadership, team accomplishments, and recognition/rewardothers.
In the performance feedback process, how can raters encourage teamwork and followership, ensuring trustand pride in mission accomplishment within the unit?(255)
Stimulate subordinates to share their expertise with eachother to become a cohesive team that achieves goals andexpectations.
What should the rater consider when evaluating theTeamwork/Followership subheading in Section IV of AFForm 931? (256-Fig)
1) Is the ratee easy to work with?; 2) does the ratee have apositive attitude?; 3) does the ratee complain or foster teamworkto accomplish the task?; 4) do the other unit, flight orsection personnel enjoy working with the ratee?; 5) does theratee display appropriate leadership traits?; and 6) does theratee display the ability to stimulate others?
When completing the Other Comments subheadingin Section IV of AF Form 931, the factors are promotion,future duty/assignment/education recommendations andsafety, security and human relations. What should therater mention in this section? (256-Fig)
1) Future assignments to help the ratee achieve breadth ofexperience within their career field; 2) educational requirementsneeded to complete CCAF or higher degree; 3) whetherthe ratee practices safety and security measures daily; and4) whether the ratee works harmoniously and effectivelywith others.
What should the rater’s typed or written commentsin Section V, Strengths, Suggested Goals and Additional~ Comments, of AF Form 931 focus on? (255)
It should 1) continue comments on performance factors; 2)discuss other areas of interest; 3) pinpoint strong characteristics;and/or 4) outline the goals to work on until the nextfeedback session.
What factors are covered under Section V,Strengths, Suggested Goals and Additional Comments ofAF Form 931? (257-Fig)
Enlisted Professional Development: Enlisted EvaluationSystem (EES), assignments, PME, mentoring, career advice,etc.
When completing the Section V, Strengths, SuggestedGoals and Additional Comments heading of AF Form931, why should you not give encouragement and adviceat the same time? (257-Fig)
It sends a mixed message. Separate the feedback to ensureboth messages get through.
What is the purpose of AF Form 932? (258)
For the rater to provide candid comments about an SNCO’sduty performance and an uninflated assessment of applicable~ performance factors.
Which section of AF Form 932 differs between AFForm 931 and 932? (258)
Section IV, Performance Feedback. (The requirements aresimilar, only the subheadings identifying the requirementsfor SNCO performance are different.)
What factors comprise the Primary Duties subheadingin Section IV of AF Form 932? (260-Fig)
Quality, quantity, timeliness, technical knowledge, leading,managing and supervising.
Quality, quantity, timeliness, technical knowledge, leading,managing and supervising.
Quality, quantity, timeliness, technical knowledge, leading,managing and supervising.
What should the rater consider when evaluating thePrimary Duties subheading in Section IV of AF Form932? (260-Fig)
Does the ratee 1) show professional concern for qualitywork?; 2) constantly produce more than expected?; 3) identifyand eliminate timewasters?; 4) possess the knowledge tohandle the most complex work?; 5) inspire cooperation andconfidence of others?; 6) stimulate management efficiencyand effectiveness?; and 7) recognize the important relationshipbetween rewards, reinforcement and results?
What factors comprise the Standards: Enforcementand Personal Adherence, Conduct, Character, MilitaryBearing, Customs and Courtesies subheading in SectionIV of AF Form 932? (258, 260-Fig)
Dress and appearance and personal/professional conducton/off duty.