Chapter 9 Flashcards
the biological traits that societies use to categorize people, as either male or female
cultural meaning attached to sex catergories
Ann Oakley
british, one of the first to distinguish sex from gender
Gender Role
behavious related to the sex we are assigned at birth
identifying as either male or female,
lived identity does not confrom w/ the gender role associated w/ their assigned sex
biological sex
male & female sex categories assigned at birth
desires to be the opposite sex
refers to the roles & characteristics societ assigns men/women
someone who feels affinity with the constructed sex category assigned at birth
two-spirit people
those who identifiy with ones of the gender roles beyond male/female
Essentialist feminism
men - competition/opposition to other
women - view world in terms of unity
3 critisims of essetial. feminism
- universalization - all women are alike
- confuses natural instincts
- encourages seein women as a lower
liberal feminsim
seeks to secure equal rights for women in all phases of public life (equal pay)
post-modern feminism
no natural base for indentities based on gender, ethnicity or race
opposes essentialism femisinsim
Hegemonic Masculinity
practices that normalize & naturalize men’s dominance and womens subordination
Subordinate Masculinity
practices that could threaten the legitimacy of hegemonic masculinity
Marginalized Masculinity
adaptation of masculinities to issues such as race/class
Complicit Masculinity
practices that do not embody Men above women but benefit from them
sexually attracted to same sex
sexually attracted to other women
sexually attracted to both sexes
social stratification
describes a society as though it is divided into a series of layers
units of analysis in research where equal samples are drawn from each stratum of population
segment, stratum representing each of the five different groups of population
dominat ideoplogy that views the individual as a more or less independent player on the sociological scene
counter ideology
critiqu of a dominant ideology