chapter 9, 10 Flashcards
hypodermic needle model/magic bullet theory
people are easily mislead and media content has the same effect on everyone (discredited)
mass society theory
growing homogenization leads to less stability and media as a socializing agent, and so people grow more vulnerable to the influence of media
emotional contagion
perfectly rational individuals could take part in behaviour of others that they would otherwise never consider
limited effects of media:
selective exposure, understanding and recall
spiral of silence
people with minority views will be less vocal in fear of rejection or isolation; media reports are being forced into a majority view
cultivation theory
heavy tv viewing cultivates perceptions of reality that are based on tv representations (Gebner)
tv symbols dominate other sources of info and ideas about the world
mean world syndrome
tv viewers are more like to believe that most people cannot be trusted and are selfish
agenda setting
the ability of media to tell people what to think about based on issues being covered more or more prominently
context in which a fact is played by the media
echo chamber/filter bubble
result of the algorithm, a community that is never exposed to alternative views but instead their existing views are constantly reinorced
computational propaganda
use of algorithms, automation and human creation to purposefully distribute, misleading info over social media
process whereby culture and society, to an increasing degree, become more dependent on the media and their logic
media logic
the various needs associated with the production processes for a particular medium
sound bite
brief quote lifted from the context of a longer speech