Chapter 8 - Wakefulness And Sleep Flashcards
Generated by the body regardless of the environment: ___
Jean Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan (1729)
1) studied the leaf movements of a ____ ____ plant.
2) Moved this plant to a place where sunlight could not reach it. He found out that it continued to open its leaves during the ___ and fold them at ___.
3) first demonstration of the persistence of rhythms in the absence of ____ ___ ____.
1) sensitive heliotrope
2) day, night
3) environmental time cues
Augustine de Candolle (1832)
1) daily leaf movements of ____ ____ not only persisted in constant darkness but that the leaves opened an hour or two earlier each day - demonstrating a “periodicity of 22 to 23 hours”
2) This was the first demonstration of a “free run” wherein the endogenous rhythm is no longer ______ with the 24-hour light-dark cycle.
1) Mimosa Pudica
2) synchronized
Endogenous cycles.
1) She is credited with stimulating modern interest in circadian rhythms and timing (1910)
2) ___ appeared on the terrace just before breakfast was served as though they “knew” it was time for the food to arrive
3) Soon there were so many ___ they had to move breakfast inside but for a number of days after the ___ continued to arrive in anticipation of the breakfast setting
4) Because the ___ arrived on the terrace at this and no other time of day, ___ suggested they must must possess a “memory for time”
1) August Forel
2) bees
3) bees
4) bees, Forel
Endogenous Cycles.
- These men marked bees individually and then offered them sugar water at an artificial feeding place for several days always at the same time of day (1929)
- On the test day __ food was available and the arrival time of each bee was carefully observed and recorded
- Bees ____ at all their training time or very close to it
- The same result was produced when the experiment was rerun 180 meters below ground in a ___ ___.
- Further evidence that it was an ____ system that was responsible came from the fact that the bees could be trained to arrive only when food was placed out at intervals very close to 24 hours.
- Von Frish & Beling
- no
- Arrived
- Salt mine
- Endogenous, 24
Endogenous Cycles
- This man conducted the definitive experiment indicating that bees were relying on an internal timing system rather than as as yet undocumented environmental cue. (1955)
- Trained 40 bees to collect ___ ___ between 8:15 and 10:15pm in a closed room in his laboratory in Paris.
- The bees were than transported to ___ ___ overnight
- In a similarly organized laboratory the bees again arrived to feed between 8:15 and 10:15pm Paris time supporting the conclusion that the bees were not relying on an ___ ___ to tell time.
- Renner
- Sugar water
- New York
- Environmental cues
Four common endogenous periods: (only 3 listed?)
The third only applies to felines
Circannual rhythm (seasonal)
Circadian (daily)
Ultradian (many times daily)
Biological clock
- Duration for humans is between __-__hours (24.2 in one study)
- We cannot to __ or __ hour day
- Can be lengthened somewhat by ____ ___
- Babies have a very ___ rhythm and teenagers a __-__ hour rhythm
- 24-25
- 22, 28
- Bright lights
- Short, 26-27
Biological Clock 1. Insensitive to most interference, e.g., not affected by: A) \_\_\_\_ or \_\_\_\_ deprivation (nutritional) B) _-\_\_\_s C) t\_\_\_\_\_s D) A\_\_\_\_ or A\_\_\_\_\_ E) lack of o\_\_\_\_ (air) F) most kinds of \_\_\_ damage
A) food, water B) x-rays C) tranquilizers D) alcohol, anesthetic E) oxygen F) brain
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
First attempt to identify a Circadian p____ was conducted by Richter in the 19__’s.
Pacemaker 1960’s
Richter in his 1960’s experiment
Placed lesions throughout the CNS and removed endocrine glands
Only lesions that appears to disrupt circadian rhythms were to the ____-___ hypothalamus
In 1972 two independent research groups (one Canadian) identified a small, bilateral pair of nuclei in the anterior hypothalamus, the ____________ nuclei (SCN) as a potential circadian pacemaker
- Suprarchiasmatic: area of the ______ that sets circadian rhythm
- If the suprarchiasmatic is damaged, rhythms are ___ ____, not ____ to light and dark patterns.
- Hypothalamus
2. Less consistent, synchronized
- The suprachiasmatic (SCN) area of the hypothalamus contains a master ____ pacemaker.
- Biological rhythms are synchronized (entrained) by ___ and ____
- Circadian
2. Light, darkness