Chapter 8: Understanding Stress And Coping In Context Flashcards
What are protective factors?
Characteristics in situations or people that protect from problem outcomes, such as coping skills
What is a distal factor?
Factors that are more distant from a problem, eg recession would affect jobs, but would be considered distal
What is a proximal factor?
Closer to the individual than distal factors.
Proximal factors trigger stress and lead to coping efforts
What are distal contextual factors?
Ongoing environmental conditions that interact in various life domains.
Eg. Religion, toxic waste near neighbourhood, violence in community
What are distal personal factors?
Aspects of an individual that are generally not visible.
Eg. Genetic factors, personality traits, prior life experiences
What are stressors?
Events or situations that represent a threatened or actual loss of resources
Identify 4 examples of proximal stressors
Major life events
Life transitions
Daily hassles
What are social-emotional competencies?
Self regulation skills, managing emotions, intrapersonal processes that are needed to connect with others
What is a cognitive appraisal?
Constructing the meaning of a stressful situation or event
What is reappraisal?
Reframing a problem, altering one’s perception of the situation or it’s meaning
Eg. Leaving settlement is good, because Monigram is better
What is problem-focused coping?
Addressing a problem directly and making a plan to change the situation
Eg. Needing to leave settlement, doing interviews
What is emotion-focused coping?
Addresses the feelings that accompany the stressors
Seeking to reduce anxiety
What is meaning-focused coping?
Finding significance in the stressor by reappraising it
What is a virtuous spiral?
Adaptive coping may initiate a virtuous spiral in which resources are increased, successes build on eachother, and the stresses is transformed into a catalyst for growth :)
What is wellness?
The experience of positive outcomes in health and subjective well-being
What is resilience?
Individuals capacity to adapt successfully and function competently despite exposure to stress, adversity, or chronic trauma
What is thriving?
Growth that takes one beyond their prior level of functioning
Resilience +
What is empowerment?
Gaining access to valued resources
True or false, coping is dynamic and contextual
What is the difference between generalized and specific support?
Generalized: kept over a longer period of time, secure base
Specific: to help with specific stressors
True or false, generalized support is often measured in terms of perceived support
What are mutual assistance self help groups
Ran by someone experiencing the focal concern and do not have professional involvement
What are risk factors?
Characteristics of situations or individuals that heighten the chances of problem outcomes