Chapter 8 Somatic Disorders Flashcards
Describe somatic symptom and related disorders.
Difficult to diagnose, somatic disorders are when a person fakes, imagines or exaggerates physical symptoms or imagines a disorder that is caused to something else such as stress of another mental disorder (Think Chuck in Better Caul Saul). But they all share a somatic symptom that shares a significant distress or impairment.
Describe how somatic symptom disorder presents.
-Multiple somatic symptom that causes disruption to ones ability to live life. Often the report excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviors around their somatic symptoms
-Can be localized to one spot or diffused over the entire body.
-It is assumed the persons suffering is authentic so a lack of medical diagnosis is not needed and is also often present with another medical disorder.
-The client will often believe a simple issue is much more serious than it actually is and will “shop” for a doctor to confirm their beliefs
Describe how illness anxiety disorder presents.
-Also known as hypochondriasis is excessive worry over possibly having or acquiring a serious medical condition that has a severe impact on a client’s life.
-occasionally a somatic symptom will be present with illness anxiety disorder but its highly uncommon and its mild if it does
-they spend lots of time scanning their body for signs that they are ill and sometimes becomes part of their self-image and when its part of their identity, it becomes much harder to treat.
Describe how functional neurological symptom (conversion) disorder presents.
called conversion disorder form a psychoanalytic term as the psychological symptoms are “converted” to physical ones. it Presents with one of more symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function. Common symptoms are weakness or paralysis, abnormal movements (tremors) and gait abnormalities (limping).
What are symptoms of Neurological symptom (conversion) disorder
Sensory Symptoms include altered, reduced or absent skin sensation, vision or hearing.
Less common are seizures, fainting and coma
is symptoms not being explained by a neurological disease is not sufficient. There must be direct evidence of incompatibility of the medical disorder and the symptoms. (Think Chuck in Better Caul Saul with the cell phone scene)
Describe how factitious disorder presents.
There is a deliberate falsification of medical or psychological symptoms imposed on oneself. They are pulling a con. And the presentation is more excessive than the deception needs.
What do people with facetious disorder do to convince others of their conditions?
fake tests, consume medications to fake sickness, self-harm to pull off a con.
Why do people with facistious disorder do what they do?
There could be other reasons to do this such as depression or trying to bring attention to themselves or need for social support
What are some commonly shared features of somatic disorders?
person fakes, imagines, believes in or exaggerates physical symptoms or imagines a disorder
Which somatic disorder usually accompanies a medical diagnosis?
Somatic Symptom disorder because its often diagnosed with another medical condition present but the two are not mutually exclusive
What are the key distinctions between illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder?
Somatic symptom disorder believes they have somatic symptoms while illness anxiety disorder worry about acquiring symptoms
What are the key differences between factitious disorder and the other somatic disorders?
Factitious disorder is a con. They are consciously deceiving for some reason. Other somatic conditions are real to the client and are unconscious
Describe the epidemiology of somatic disorders.
Difficult to determine but its thought about 1-10% of the population suffers from these disorders
Create a table of the prevalence rates across the various somatic disorders. What are the differences between the disorders?
Somatic Symptom disorder is a 4-6% prevalence with females more than males
Illness Anxiety disorder is from 1.3-10% of the population and is gender equal
Facetious disorder is unknown because they are lying
Functional Neurological Symptom disorder is unknown as well but across the US and Europe its thought 4-12 of every 100,000 people
What gender differences are evident in the disorders, if any?
Somatic symptom disorder is more common among women than men but illness anxiety disorder is gender equal
Describe the comorbidity of somatic disorders.
Given that half of psychiatric patients also have an additional medical disorder, 35% have an undiagnosed medical condition, and approximately 20% reported medical problems caused their mental condition, it should not come as a surprise that somatic disorders, in general, have high comorbidity with other psychological disorders
In general, what other disorders often occur with somatic disorders?
-Anxiety Depression disorders in general
-Illness anxiety disorder patients show risk of developing OCD and personality disorders
-personality disorders are more common in functional neurological symptom disorder
-Facetious disorder has no comorbidities
Which disorder do we not know anything about?
CSS or central sensitivity symptoms. Disorders included in this group are fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Comorbidity rates are estimated at 60% for these functional syndromes and somatic pain disorder
Describe the psychodynamic causes of somatic disorders.
manifests as a response to unconscious emotional issues. Classified as Primary gain or internal motivator and secondary gain or external motivators. The somatic symptoms provide a shield of sorts from anxiety or emotional conflicts. Secondary gain is the external bit as in the sympathy from others, attention, getting financial assistance, etc.
Describe the cognitive causes of somatic disorders.
Manifests due to exaggerated beliefs, fears or sensations. A possible sensitivity is combined with maladaptive thoughts that lead to altered behavior accordingly
Describe the behavioral causes of somatic disorders.
People presenting somatic symptoms are reinforced by the attention of others to their symptoms or even receiving disability payments. Like good ole behaviorists, they don’t concern themselves with inner stuff
Describe the sociocultural causes of somatic disorders
Family influence plays a factor. Possibly for attention by a close family member. They also might have an overly attentive parent who has high anxiety about their health.
Think of Eiminem
How does catastrophizing contribute to the development and maintenance of somatic disorders?
A person with somatic symptoms may catastrophize a headache into a possible belief that they have a brain tumor as opposed to something like stress.
How do somatic disorders develop according to behavioral theorists? Does this theory also explain how the symptoms are maintained? Explain.
Somatic Behaviors are reinforced by attention from others. This actually gives some credence as a bit of a feedback loop. If they present the symptoms and get the attention then they are likely to maintain it and make it a part of their identity
Think how Chuck’s authority as a powerful lawyer reinforced his condition. People capitulated to him and reinforced his condition because of his power