Chapter 8 PowerPoint Flashcards
Normal conduction: ____ Node sends signal to ____ node?
SA Node sends signal to AV node
Two types of heart blocks?
Types of partial heart blocks?
Partial – first degree, second degree, type 1, type 2
What is a complete heart block?
Complete – third degree
What are heart blocks known as?
Known as conduction disturbances
Signal to AV node and bundle of His is interrupted
How does a first degree AV block appear on a ECG?
Prolonged PR interval, consistent beat to beat
>.20 sec with each cardiac cycle
1 p wave for every QRS complex
HR normal, Bradycardia or tachycardia
Normal P wave shape unless Atrial Enlargement
5 causes of a first degree AV block?
-Enhanced Parasympathetic tone
-AV nodal disease
-Coronary Artery disease
-Electrolyte disturbances
Treatment for fist degree AV block?
Benign, No treatment progression but monitor
Bradycardia?? Atropine to elevate HR
What is second degree AV block also called?
Mobitz 1 or Wenckebah phenomenon or Mobitz II
What are characteristics and how does a Mobitz 1 AV appear on an ECG?
1 dropped beat, P wave nonconductive
PR interval progressively increase until p wave appears w/o QRS complex
Generally, 3-5 beats run of progressing PR intervals precede non-conducted beat
Repeats the same pattern
Causes of Mobitz 1?
Ischemia RCA
Enhanced Vagal Tone
Amyloidosis and sarcoidosis
Acute inferior wall myocardial infarction
Treatment for Mobitz 1?
Benign rhythm, no tx necessary
Watch for progressing block
Atropine if symptomatic bradycardia
Where does Mobitz II occur?
Mobitz II or Type II Occurs below the AV node with high percentage distal to the bundle of HIS
Heart rate possibilities associated with Mobitz II?
Irregular ventricular rate or regular bradycardic ventricular rate
Mobitz type II is often ____ or ____?
Often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed