Chapter 10 PowerPoint Flashcards
Where and what are premature beats generated by?
Generated by ectopic stimulation or irritable foci in either the Atria, AV junction, and Ventricle.
What other terms for premature beats are used?
“Skipped beats” rather than early beats
What are the three general causes of PVC?
-Absence of organic Heart disease
Idiopathic – caffeine, stress, exhaustion, smoking
Hypoxia – alcohol, cocaine, hypoxemia, hypercapnia
-Presence of Organic Heart Disease
Myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse, cardiomyopathy
-Electrolyte Disturbance
Hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia
What occurs in the absence of organic heart disease in premature beats?
Idiopathic – caffeine, stress, exhaustion, smoking
Hypoxia – alcohol, cocaine, hypoxemia, hypercapnia
What occurs in the presence of organic heart disease in premature beats?
Myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse, cardiomyopathy
What occurs in electrolyte disturbances in premature beats?
Hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia
What are four treatments for premature beats?
Benign – work on life style management
Pharmacologic management
Catheter ablation
Electrolyte replacement therapy
Premature atrial contractions are very ____ and generally ____?
Premature atrial contractions are very common and generally benign
What is the appearance of premature atrial contractions?
Appearance – looks similar to normal sinus beat
-Morphology of P wave is different
-P waves can hide in ST seg and T wave
-Most PAC’s conduct a beat some do not.. showing lone P wave
-Each PAC resets the SA node
PAC patterns are the same as ____?
Causes of PAC?
Causes – stress, caffeine, fatigue, electrolyte balance, oxygenation
What are treatments for PAC?
Treatments – none at first, Meds, Catheter ablation
Premature junctional contractions occur in the ____?
AV node “junction”
How do premature junctional contractions appear on an ECG?
ECG Appearance – QRS usually narrow
P wave maybe absent, inverted or retrograde
Lack of atrial depol or atrial depol out of sequence
Also happens in couplets, bigeminy
What are causes of PJC?
Causes – hypoxemia, electrolyte imbalances