Chapter 8: Introduction to Life Insurance Flashcards
Human Life Value
A person’s earning capacity the the financial dependence of others on that earning capacity.
Yearly Renewable Term Insurance
Provides protection for 1 year with option to renew at end of year without medical exam.
Cash Value Life Insurance
Policy written so that premiums are sufficient to pay the insurer’s death claims while also building cash value or savings so that premiums and earnings equal face value of policy at age 100 or 120.
Net Amount At Risk
The difference between the face amount of the policy and the cash reserves that have built up.
Modified Whole Life Insurance
Guarantees a level premium for the first few years, followed by a higher guaranteed premium in the future.
Return of Premium Term Insurance
Returns all premiums if the insured is still alive at the end of the policy term.
Right to renew contract without medical exam or other evidence of insurability.
Reentry Term Insurance
Permits insurer to use one set of renewal payments if insured can prove his or her continuing insurability and a higher premium if health has declined.
Right to replace term coverage with permanent coverage within a specified period of time without showing evidence of insurability.
Decreasing Term Insurance
Mainly sold through mortgage lenders to pay off loan if insured dies. Decreasing amount of insurance.
Increasing Term Insurance
Intended to increase coverage in order to keep pace with inflation to meet future responsibilities.
Whole Life Insurance
Offers lifetime protection and builds cash value.
Participating Policy vs. Nonparticipating Policy
May pay dividends vs. does not pay dividends
Ordinary Life Insurance
Whole life with premiums intended to be paid until the insured’s death.
Limited Payment Life Insurance
Payment of premiums only for specified number of years.
Single Premium Whole Life Policy
Fully paid up based on single, substantial premium.
Vanishing Premium
Policyowner dividends pay all remaining premiums as soon as dividends accumulated are adequate to do so.
Endowment Life Insurance
Designed with a target accumulation amount and reach maturity at specified date when cash value equals death benefit.
Current Assumption Whole Life Insurance
Premiums change with insurer’s actual or anticipated mortality, expense and investment earnings. Premiums can go up or down.
Variable Life Insurance
Policyowner directs how cash value will be invested, assumes risk and death benefit is linked to performance of investments. Premiums are fixed and loans are allowable.
Universal Life Insurance
Policyowner does not direct investment, flexible premiums, ability to withdraw and not counted as a loan, and choice of death benefit.
Variable Universal Life Insurance
Policyowner chooses from group of investment option, premiums are flexible, death benefit choice.
Indexed Universal Life Insurance
Policyowner investments tied to an index, flexible premiums, choice of death benefit.
Joint-Life Policy
Policy written to cover two people, first to die payout.
Survivorship Policy
Policy written for two or more people, payable upon death of the last two or more people covered. Second to die policy. Popular for estates of wealthy.
Group Life Insurance
Probationary period is set time before eligibility.