Chapter 8: Internal Controls: Ensuring the Integrity of Financial Information Flashcards
Members of a company’s board of directors who are responsible for dealing with the external and internal auditors
Audit Committee
Policies and procedures used by management to meet their objectives
Control Activities
The actions, policies, and procedures that reflect the overall attitudes of top management about control and its importance to the entity
Control Environment
Policies and procedures used by management to meet their objectives
Control Procedures
Internal control activities that are designed to detect the occurrence of errors and fraud
Detective Controls
Independent CPAs who are retained by organizations to perform audits of financial statements
External Auditors
A diagram that represents the flexibility a manager has, within GAAP, to report one earnings number from among many possibilities based on different methods and assumptions
Auditing standards developed by the PCAOB for public companies and AICPA for private companies
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)
The practice of carefully timing the recognition of revenues and expenses to even out the amount of reported earning from one year to the next
Income Smoothing
Procedure for continual internal verification of other control
Independent Checks
An independent group of experts (in controls, accounting, and operations) who monitor operating results and financial records, evaluate internal controls, assist with increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, and detect fraud
Internal Auditors
Policies and procedures established to provide management with reasonable assurance that the objectives of an entity will be achieved
Internal Control Structure
Financial goals established within a company
Internal Earnings Target
Lines of authority and responsibility
Organizational Structure
Physical precautions used to protect assets and records
Physical Safeguards
Internal control activities that are designed to prevent the occurrence of errors and fraud
Preventative Controls
Board of five full-time members established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to oversee the accounting and auditing profession
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
A law passed by Congress in 2002 that gives the SEC significant oversight responsibility and control over companies issuing financial statements and their external auditors
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
The government body responsible for regulating the financial reporting practices of most publicly owned corporations in connection with the buying and selling of stocks and bonds
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
A strategy to provide an internal check on performance through separation of authorization of transactions from custody of related asset, operational responsibilities from record-keeping responsibilities, and custody of assets from accounting personnel
Segregation of Duties