Chapter 8: Goal Setting and Goal Striving Flashcards
What are the three states of the TOTE Model when there is an incongruity between current and ideal state?
Test: Compare present state with Ideal state, if incongruent, then
Operate: Act on environment to realize ideal state. then,
Test Again: Compare present state with Ideal State
if still incongruent then repeat operate state and if congruous then exit the tote model.
What is the cognitive mechanism by which plans energize and direct behaviour?
the tote model
The PLAN to ACTION sequence consists of four steps
1: detecting present - ideal inconsistencies
2: Generating a plan of action to eliminate the incongruity
3: instigating a plan-regulated behvaiour
4: monitoring feedback as to the extent of any remaining present - ideal incongruity
Corrective Motivation activates what?
A decision making process in which the individual considers many different possible ways for reducing the present-ideal incongruity
1: Change the plan
2: Change Behaviour (Ex: Increase effort)
3: Withdraw from the plan altogether
Plan-directed behaviour is a ______, ______ process in which corrective motivation energizes the individual to pursue the most adaptive course
Dynamic, Flexible
What can people do when they want to increase their motivation?
Create an ideal state in their mind and reflect on the discrepancy that now exists between “what presently is” and “what is desired”
What are the two types of discrepancies?
1: Discrepancy Reduction
2: Discrepancy Creation
Describe Discrepancy Reduction
asking yourself if you are performing at the desired level within your environment. Based on discrepancy-detecting feedback that underlies plans and corrective motivation
Negative feedback loop: a discrepancy arises, action is taken, and negative feedback (discrepancy getting smaller) terminates the action.
Describe Discrepancy Creation
Based on a “feed Forward” system where a person looks forward and sets future, higher goals. They do this deliberately and proactively.
Positive Feedback Loop: a discrepancy is created, action is taken and positive feedback energizes further discrepancy creation.
What are the 2 major differences between discrepancy reduction and discrepancy creation?
1: Discrepancy reduction corresponds to plan-based corrective motivation, whereas discrepancy creation corresponds to to goal-setting motivation
2: Discrepancy reduction is reactive, deficiency overcoming, and involves a negative feedback system, whereas discrepancy creation is a proactive growth pursuing, and involves a positive feedback system
Is goal setting a discrepancy creating or reduction process?
definition of a goal
a goal is a future focused cognitive representation of a desired end state that guides behaviour
What is goal performance discrepancy?
a discrepancy between present level of accomplishment and ideal level of accomplishment
What is goal specificity?
How clearly a goal informs the performer precisely what they are to do
give it a numerical or very descriptive value
it also reduced variability in performance
What is a self-congruent goal?
a goal that reflects the self’s interests, needs, values, and preferences. These goals feel authentic to the self
intrinsic motivation to complete the goal
What is a self-discrepant goal?
Goals that neglect the self interest, needs, values, and preferences and instead reflect only social obligations or external pressures. Feel artificial and in conflict with the self
extrinsic motivation to complete the goal
Describe Goal Concordance
These goals are important because they allow the person to tap into and draw from personal resources that energize, direct, and sustain goal pursuit
for a person with a self concordant goal attention, and strategic thinking are easy and happen almost spontaneously (on their own) bc they are supported by autonomous motivation
What fuels and sustains greater energy, direction, and persistence of a goal?
personal interest, psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, internalized values, personal preferences, and inner motivational resources
What is essential to a goal in order for it to actually improve performance?
goals that are difficult, specific, self congruent will improve performance
What is the reasoning behind why specific, self congruent, and difficult goals produce better results?
Difficult goals ENERGIZE the performer (increase the performers effort and persistence)
specific goals DIRECT that energy toward a particular course of action (direct attention and strategic planning)
and concordant goals both energize and direct the performer. (allows performers to draw upon and vitalize inner motivational resources)
What are some key points from the college student study done by Koestner and his colleagues?
Participants were asked about their goals for the weekend and then were asked to rate their goals on how self congruent or how self discordant they were, the study showed that goal progress was predicted by how self congruent the goal was.
What else besides motivation to goals rely on?
ability, training, coaching, and resources (these contribute to the quality of the performance)
What is an essential variable to ensuring goal setting is effective?
Importance of feedback in goal setting?
goal setting translates into increased performance only in the context of timely feedback that documents the performer’s progress is relation to the goal
without feedback, performance can be emotionally unimportant and un-involving
Both satisfaction and dissatisfaction have constructive motivational properties. Felt satisfaction contributes favourably to the ____________ process.
Dissatisfaction contributes to the _________ Process.
Where do goals originate from?
sometimes Other-assigned goals (goals that other people set for you)
mostly: own way of thinking, personality trait, biological need, psychological need, or attractive role model
What should visualizing focus on in order to be a successful part of goal attainment?
it should focus on how to achieve the goal instead of just picturing yourself in the end state. it needs to focus on planning and problem solving (goal striving)
What is “outcome simulation” vs “process simulation”
Outcome simulation is simply picturing yourself at the end state that you are going for, picturing yourself getting your exam back with the mark you wanted on it
while Process Simulation is picturing how you are going to get to this desired end state, all the things you will need to do to achieve this goal and picture yourself doing those things and knowing what to do if something in the achievement process changes.
what is a goal without a plan?
just a dream
people too often fail to act on their goals and thus don’t accomplish their goals
What is an implementation intention?
an “if-then” plan that specifies in advance the goal-striving process
involves deciding in advance of the goal striving, the “when, where, and how” of the goal achieving process.
What are the 3 self regulation problems?
1: getting started
2: Staying on Track
3: Resuming