Chapter 8: Gestalt Therapy Flashcards
TRUE OR FALSE: Gestalt therapy focuses on past experiences of a client.
It focuses on the here and now, and the clients’ own awareness of what they are doing and how they are experiencing things from moment to moment.
Who is the main originator and developer of Gestalt therapy?
Fritz Perls.
What is the term for a dynamic system of interrelationships?
TRUE OR FALSE: Perls asserted that HOW individuals behave is more important than WHY.
What type of therapy stresses dialogue and the I/Thou relationship between client and therapist?
Contemporary relational Gestalt therapy.
What tenet suggests that authentic change occurs more from being who we are than from trying to be who are not?
The paradoxical theory of change, by Anne Beisser (1970)
What does “Gestalt” mean?
It is a German word meaning a whole or a completion, or a form that cannot be separated into parts without losing its essence.
Which theory asserts that the organism must be seen in its environmen, or in its context, as part of the constantly changing field?
Field theory.
What is the term for the aspects of the individual’s experience that are most salient at any moment?
What is the term for the aspects of the client’s presentation that are often out of his or her awareness?
What process helps contemporary Gestalt therapists facilitate the client’s movement toward and away from a figure of interest?
Figure-formation process.
What principle highlights what is of the interest to the client or what the client needs to gain equilibrium or to change?
Organismic self-regulation.
What is considered effective contact?
Interacting with nature and with other people without losing one’s sense of individuality.
TRUE OR FALSE: In Gestalt therapy, contact is necessary for change and growth to occur.
What are the prereqs for good contact?
Clear awareness, full energy, and the ability to express oneself.
T or F: Resistances to contact may result is dysfunctional behavior.
TRUE. These are also called “contact boundary phenomena” by Gestalt therapists.
What CBP has us passively incorporate what the environment provides rather than clearly identifying what we want or need?
Which CBP has us refuse acknowledgment of qualities we have in ourselves which we see in the environment and thus has us avoid taking responsibility for our own feelings and who we are?
Projection. People who use this as a pattern tend to feel they are victims of circumstances and believe that people have hidden meaning behind what they say.
What CBP consists of turning back onto ourselves what we would like do to someone else, or doing to ourselves what we would like someone else to do for us?
What CBP has ourselves diffusing contact through the overuse of humor, abstract generalizations, and questions rather than statements?
This results in emotional depletion due to engaging the environment in an inconsistent and inconsequential basis.
What CBP involves blurring the differentiation between the self and the environment?
Individuals who have this have a high need to be liked and accepted, and it makes genuine contact extremely difficult.
TRUE OR FALSE: The contact boundary phenomena is often given a cursory overview.
Gestalt therapists acknowledge that these resistances served an important function function in the past. The therapists approach each interruptive style with respect and take them seriously, knowing how important it is to know what these CBP’s are protecting them from, and what it keeps them from experiencing.
What is the term for paying attention to what is occurring in the here or now?
Phenomenological inquiry.
One aim of Gestalt therapy is to help clients to become increasingly aware of their present experience.
How do Gestalt therapists work with past experiences that have a significant bearing on the clients’ present attitudes or behavior?
It is dealt with by bringing it into the present as much as possible. Instead of “Tell me about that time” it’s more like “Be you in that time”
What phenomena results in unacknowledged feelings that create unnecessary emotional debris that clutters present-centered awareness?
Unfinished business.
Until when does unfinished business persist?
It persists until the individual faces and deals with the unexpressed feelings.
What is a term for a “stuck point”?
An impasse.
The idea here when a client is faced with this is to embrace this “stuckness” and to get contact with their frustrations. By doing this, they would accept whatever is, rather than wishing they were different.
What is the basic goal which Gestalt therapists attend to?
Greater awareness, and with it, greater choice.
TRUE OR FALSE: The Gestalt therapist directs their clients toward pre-directed goals.
They use active methods and personal engagement with clients to increase their awareness, freedom, and self-direction.
What is the term for an engagement between two people who each bring their unique experiences to a meeting?
What are the three stages of an integration sequence described by Miriam Polster (1987) that characterizes client growth in therapy?
Discovery, accommodation, assimilation
Which stage has clients likely to reach a new realization about themselves or past experiences?
Which stage involves clients recognizing that they have a choice?
Which stage involves clients’ learning how to influence their environment and where they may feel capable of dealing with the surprises in everyday living?
TRUE OR FALSE: Gestalt therapists do not share their own thoughts.
Therapists should actively share their own present perceptions and experiences as they encounter clients in the here and now! However, they have to be mindful of when and what to share.
TRUE OR FALSE: Creating a relationship (or alliance) is not a prelude to therapy but is at the heart of Gestalt therapy.
TRUE OR FALSE: Lesser emphasis on the client-therapist relationship from the therapist is able to establish better rapport that allows clients to deepen their awareness and make contact with another person.
More emphasis does this!
What is the A word that a therapist in Gestalt therapy needs to be so that a client makes progress?
What are ready-made techniques that are sometimes used to make something happen in a therapy session or to achieve a goal?
What things grow out of the interaction between client and therapist and emerge within the dialogue?
These can actually be considered the very cornerstone of experiential learning because it’s “an activity that will heighten the client’s awareness and understanding through experience.”
Experiments are planned, with a predetermined goal in mind.
Experiments are spontaneous, one-of-a-kind, and relevant to a particular moment and a particular development of a figure-formation process. This is an intentional entry into a novel experience aimed at discovery.