Chapter 8 - Everyday Memory & Errors Flashcards
A subcortical structure that is involved in processing emotional aspects of experience, including memory for emotional events.
Cognitive Hypothesis?
An explanation for the reminiscence bump, which states that memories are better for adolescence and early adulthood because encoding is better during periods of rapid change that are followed by stability.
Cognitive Interview?
A procedure used for interviewing crime scene witnesses that involves letting witnesses talk with a minimum of interruption. It also uses techniques that help witnesses recreate the situation present at the crime scene by having them place themselves back at the scene and recreate emotions they were feeling, where they were looking, and how the scene may have appeared when viewed from different perspectives.
Constructive Nature of Memory?
The idea that what people report as memories are constructed based on what actually happened plus additional factors, such as expectations, other knowledge, and other life experiences.
A psychological phenomenon where a person believes that a thought, idea, or memory is original or new, but in fact, it was previously encountered or learned and has been forgotten.
Cultural Life Script Hypothesis?
The idea that events in a person’s life story become easier to recall when they fit the cultural life script for that person’s culture. This has been cited to explain the reminiscence bump.
Cultural Life Script?
Life events that commonly occur in a particular culture.
Eyewitness Testimony?
Testimony by eyewitnesses to a crime about what they saw during commission of the crime.
- Can be accurate, but normally not.
- Jury members easily believe eyewitness testimonies.
Flashbulb Memory?
Memory for the circumstances that surround hearing about shocking, highly charged events. It has been claimed that such memories are particularly vivid and accurate.
Ex. 911, death of Princess Diana, etc.
- Includes both positive & negative events.
- Not always accurate.
- Quite vulnerable to distortion.
The ease at which a statement can be remembered.
Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory?
Autobiographical memory capacity possessed by some people who can remember personal experiences that occurred on any specific day from their past.
Illusionary Truth Effect?
Enhanced probability of evaluating a statement as being true upon repeated presentation.
Misinformation Effect?
Misleading information presented after a person witnesses an event that changes how the person describes the event later.
Misleading Postevent Information (MPI)?
The misleading information that causes the misinformation effect.
Music-enhanced Autobiographical Memories (MEAMS)?
Autobiographical memories eliciteded by hearing music.
Narrative Rehearsal Hypothesis?
The idea that we remember some life events better because we rehearse them. This idea was proposed by Neisser as an explanation for ‘flashbulb’ memories.
A memory that involves a sentimental affection for the past.
Post-identified Feedback Effect?
An increase in confidence of memory recall due to confirming feedback after making an identification, as in a police lineup.
Pragmatic Inference?
Inference that occurs when reading or hearing a statement leads a person to expect something that is not explicitly stated or necessarily implied by the statement.
Reminiscence Bump?
The empirical finding that people over 40 years old have enhanced memory for events from adolescence and early adulthood, compared to other periods of their lives.
Repeated Recall?
Recall that is tested immediately after an event and then retested at various times after the event.
Repeated Reproduction?
A method of measuring in memory in which a person is asked to reproduce a stimulus on repeated occasions at longer and longer intervals after the original presentation of the material to be remembered.
Repressed Childhood Memory?
Memories that have been pushed out of a person’s consciousness.
A person’s knowledge about what is involved in a particular experience.
- Influence memory recall by filling in gaps with expected details.
A type of schema. It is the conception of the sequence of actions that describe a particular activity.
Ex.) The sequence of events that are associated with going to class would be:
- going to class.
(1) Encode incoming information according to a well-known sequence.
(2) Anticipate certain information is forthcoming.
(3) Identify anomalies in a common sequence of events.
Self-image Hypothesis?
The idea that memory is enhanced for events that occur as a person’s self-image or life identity is being formed. This is one of the explanations for the reminiscence bump.
Source Misattribution?
Occurs when the source of a memory is misidentified.
Source Monitoring Error?
Misidentifying the source of a memory.
Weapons Focus?
The tendency for eyewitnesses to a crime to focus attention of a weapon, which causes poorer memory for other things that were happening.
Youth Bias?
Tendency for the most notable public events in a person’s life to be perceived when the person is young.
False Memory - Experiment?
How memory for words on a list sometimes occur for words that were not presented.
Forgot it All Along - Experiment?
How it is possible to remember something and also have the experience of having previously forgotten it.
Memory Judgement - Experiment?
A test of how accurate people are at predicting their memory performance.
Discrepancy Detection Principle?
Recollections are more likely to change if a person does not immediately detect discrepancies between post event information and memory for the original event.
Three types of well remembered events?
(1) Significant life events
(2) Highly emotional events
(3) Transition points in life
Four strategies to improve eyewitness testimony?
(1) Inform witness the perpetrator may not be present in the lineup.
(2) Use fillers in the lineup who resemble the suspect.
(3) Present suspects sequentially, not simultaneously.
(4) Employ cognitive interviewing techniques to enhance recall.
False Memories?
Memories of events that never occurred, often created by suggestion or misattribution.
- Visual imagery & social pressures enhance false memory formation.
- External cues influence recall.
Tendency to incorporate misleading information from external sources into personal recollections.