Chapter 8 - Clinical Information Systems Flashcards
(1) a note added by way of comment or explanation
(2) the ability to add to an image in some way
the process of scanning past health records into the DMS (document management system) so there is an existing database of patient information, making the DMS valuable to the user from the first day of implementation
cloud computing
the delivery of on-demand computing services – from applications to storage and processing power – typically over the internet
interdisciplinary charting system
a system that can be used by any healthcare professional to collect and store patient assessments, progress notes, and care plans
(1) Professional services given to a patient through an interactive telecommunications system by a practitioner at a distant site
(2) A telecommunications system that links healthcare organizations and patients from diverse geographic locations and transmits text and images for (medical) consultation and treatment
a subset of telehealth that focuses on the provision of care whereas telehealth includes administrative uses and education
The ability to view radiology images from any location by the radiologist and other users.
surgery performed by a doctor considerably distant from the patient, using medical robotics and multimedia image communication
1: the art of expression by symbols
2: the study or interpretation of symbols
3: a system of symbols
4: a system of encoding data (e.g. barcode and scanner)
smart card
a plastic card with a built-in microprocessor, used typically for electronic processes such as financial transactions and personal identification
picture archival communication system (PACS)
A PACS is an integrated information system that obtains, stores, retrieves, and displays digital images. In a PACS, x-ray films, MRIs, mammograms, and other radiological examinations (such as cardiac catheterization films and ultrasounds) are stored digitally, thus eliminating the need to store and manage the physical film.
clinical information system (CIS)
a system that collects and stores medical, nursing, clinical ancillary areas (such as radiology and laboratory), and therapy department information related to patient care
purpose for clinical decision support software
To provide:
- the right information* (evidence-based guidance, response to clinical need)
- to the right people* (entire care team – including the patient)
- through the right channels* (e.g., EHR, mobile device, patient portal)
- in the right intervention formats* (e.g., order sets, flow-sheets, dashboards, patient lists)
- at the right points in workflow* (for decision making or action)
clinical order sets
a pre-defined template that provides support in making clinical decisions for a specific condition or medical procedure
optical character recognition (OCR)
the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text
flatbed scanner
A scanner that provides a flat, glass surface to hold a sheet of paper, book or other object for scanning. The scan head is moved under the glass. Flatbed scanners often come with sheet feeders for scanning multiple sheets of paper rather than one at a time. Contrast with “sheet-fed scanner,” which accepts only paper, and contrast with handheld scanner and drum scanner.
drum scanner
A type of scanner used to capture the highest resolution from an image. Photographs and transparencies are taped, clamped or fitted into a clear cylinder (drum) that is spun at speeds exceeding 1,000 RPM during the scanning operation. A light source that focuses on one pixel is beamed onto the drum and moves down the drum a line at a time.
Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)
A clinical terminology with more than 93,000 terms for laboratory and clinical functions. It provides electronic exchange standards for lab results. As with many terminologies and standards, LOINC programming and codes provide standardized communication between entities when transmitting results
clinical documentation
any manual or electronic notation or recording made by a physician or other healthcare clinician related to a patient’s medical condition or treatment
emergency department system (EDS)
a system designed to meet the unique needs of the emergency department, including tracking patients from triage to discharge
A practice invoked when acute care cannot be provided for lack of resources. The process rations care towards those who are most in need of immediate care, and who benefit most from it. More generally it refers to prioritization of medical care as a whole.
cardiac pacemaker
An electronic device that is implanted in the body to monitor heart rate and rhythm. It gives the heart electrical stimulation when it does not beat normally.
insulin pump
Also called continuous subcutaneous insulin therapy.
An insulin pump is an insulin-delivering device that’s used by some people with diabetes. A small battery-operated device that can be worn on a belt or put in a pocket, it’s connected to a narrow plastic tube that’s inserted just under the skin and taped in place. People who use the pump program it to deliver insulin continuously throughout the day and to release extra doses of insulin to handle rises in blood sugar (after eating, for example).
patient-generated health data (PGHD)
health-related data created, recorded, or gathered by or from patients (or family members or other caregivers) to help address a health concern
also known as charge master or charge description master (CDM)
it is a comprehensive listing of items billable to a hospital patient or a patient’s health insurance provider. In practice, it usually contains highly inflated prices at several times that of actual costs to the hospital. The chargemaster typically serves as the starting point for negotiations with patients and health insurance providers of what amount of money will actually be paid to the hospital. It is described as “the central mechanism of the revenue cycle” of a hospital.