Chapter 5 - System Implementation Flashcards
system implementation
the process of preparing and launching the information system that has been selected for use
user preparation
the act of providing users with enough information about the information system being implemented so that they are prepared both psychologically and through training to use the new information system
setting configuration
The entry of the desired behaviors of the information system into tables or setting fields. For example, if the IS will keep track of the patient type, the hospital determines if patients will be classified as inpatient, outpatient, emergency department, testing, outpatient surgery, or other patient types. The healthcare organization may even be able to determine that “I” means inpatient.
information technology
the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information
interface testing
testing that confirms that the user interface works as it should
integration testing
testing that confirms that all hardware, including computers, printers, and scanners, work together as they should
application testing
testing that ensures that every function of the new information system works as it should.
documentation testing
testing that ensures that all documentation (e.g. user guides, policies and procedures, and training materials) is created and that the documentation is accurate
conversion testing
testing that ensures that the project team is able to transfer data from the old information system to the new one
training testing
testing to ensure that the training is effective
The project team should train a group to see how well the training materials, agenda, format of training, time allotted for training, and other attributes work. Changes are made to the training process as needed before real training begins.
volume testing
testing to ensure that the information system can handle a large group of people
Most of the testing performed on the application is done with a handful of people sitting at an IS trying to identify problems. Volume testing gets as many people to use the IS at one time as possible.
parallel testing
testing done after the new information system is installed
In parallel testing, the healthcare organization runs the old and the new ISs simultaneously and compares the reports and data from the two information systems to validate both performance and synchronization.
acceptance testing
testing done after the new information system is installed
It is a time to verify that the IS is working as expected in a live environment. It gives the healthcare organization time to confirm that the new IS meets response time, functional requirements, and other standards guaranteed in the contract.
testing plan
a document that covers areas such as what is to be tested, who will be involved in the testing, dates of testing, documentation of testing results, and types of testing
test environment
An exact duplicate of the information system in use, excluding the live data. In this test environment, changes can be made to the IS and then tested to see what happens.
trouble ticket
a form that is used to give specific information on problems encountered
data projector
a projector (output device) used to project the digital output from a computer device on to a large screen or wall
the widespread public introduction of a new product
each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of furniture or a building
a special user account used for system administration. Depending on the operating system, the actual name of this account might be root, administrator, admin or supervisor.
phased approach (go-live strategy)
In this method, the implementation starts with one module of the information system and then gradually other modules are added. A module is a subset of an IS, such as pharmacy orders in a CPOE system. All units, departments, and other entities utilize the information system, but they only use it one module at a time. For example, a hospital could start using their order entry system by ordering medications only. After the medication ordering is successful, then laboratory will be added, and so on.
pilot method (go-live strategy)
A go-live strategy in which only one nursing unit, department, or other entity starts using the new information system at a time. Once consistently successful, the next group is implemented.
big bang method (go-live strategy)
also called the cutover method; With this method, the healthcare organization stops using the old information system and starts using the new information system. It is the riskiest because the healthcare organization may not have the old information system as a backup and the new IS is being used all over the hospital.
(1) the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period
(2) the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced
(3) a small pie made by folding a piece of pastry over on itself to enclose a sweet filling
(4) a turning from one side, place, or direction to its opposite
straight turnover
also called direct turnover
With straight turnover, the former information system and processes cease with the implementation of the new IS. There is a risk here if the new IS has to be aborted; however, it is more cost effective and reduces the work load significantly because there is no duplication of efforts.
parallel processing (turnover method)
Parallel processing involves entering data in both the old and new information system for a specified period of time such as two weeks. This allows the users to keep the database current in both information systems. Although parallel processing works well, it is labor intensive and therefore expensive. Because the old IS is in place and current, this approach provides a safety net and has the least amount of risk involved.
system evaluation
measuring the final system against its initial performance goals as well as performing ongoing testing to see that the system continues to meet those goals
supply chain
a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in supplying a product or service to a consumer
distribution chain
a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer
a person or company that sells goods in large quantities at low prices, typically to retailers
a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale