Chapter 8 - An Epoch of Typographic Genius Flashcards
Romain du Roi
A type face commissioned by Louis the XIV for the French government. Based on a grid of 2,304 squares, each letter had increased contrast between thick and thin strokes, sharp horizontal serifs, and an even balance to each letter form.
Fournier Le Jeune
Typefounder who pioneered the standardization of type sizes; he conceived the concept of “type families”.
A craftsman who specializes in casting metal type.
A metalsmithing shop where metal shapes are cast (formed and reproduced).
Point (size)
Small unit of measuring the height of a type font. Six points equal one “line”. 12 lines = “pounce”, roughly one inch. Currently, 72 points = 1 inch.
Type family
A group of type font variations with different heights and widths: they tend to be visually compatible and be easily mixed.
Outline type
A font that only prints the outer contour of a letter and leaves the center of the letterforms open.
A customized type arrangement that announces the author of a letter.
William Caslon, British engraver whose typeface design dominated British printing and therefore early American graphic design (Caslon typeface was used to print the Declaration of Independence).
John Baskerville, British artist, bookmaker and design innovator who broke prevailing rules of design; his typefaces had a new lightness and a smoother transition from major strokes to serifs.
Laid paper
Is paper with textual quality of horizontal lines left by the wires from papermaking mold.
Information graphics
Diagrams which visually represent complex statistical data (introduced by Scottish author and scientist William Playfair).
Line graph
A chart that shows growth across time via a line moving across a grid.
Bar chart
Is a chart with rectangular bars that show comparative growth.
Pie chart
Is a circular chart divided into sections, showing proportions within a whole.
Movable or interchangeable parts.
Refers to the distance between the baseline and the mean line in a typeface (the height of the main shapes of lowercase letters).
William Blake
Visionary English poet and artist (1757-1827) who self-published his books of poetry.
Executed with a single color: Blake’s monochrome etchings were hand-colored.
An engraver’s carving tool; it rakes parallel lines across the surface to give an eve texture and tone.