Chapter 8 Flashcards
T or F
Natural dyes and pigments were used until the discovery of synthetic colourants. Sources include plants, minerals, etc..
Define Dye
A colouring matter that is the treatment of textiles in water solutions (most used)
Define Pigment
Insoluble coloured particles made to adhere to fabric.
T or F
When pigments are suspended in a liquid it becomes an ink or paint
list the 5 stages of dying
- fabric is cleaned to remove warp stitches
- water, dye, chemicals and textile material are brought together
- material is agitated in order for the dye to set
- goods are scored with soap and detergent
- goods are rinsed to remove excess
T or F
mixing can take minutes to hours
Define depth of shade
the darkness or lightness of colour, dependant on quantity and weight
define dyestuffs
combine chemically and physically with a textile fibre molecule
What is crocking?
colour transferred by rubbing
What is colourfastness?
resistance to fading or running
What is a spectrophotometer?
a computer that matches the colour by scanning and providing a recipe in any desired dye class
Define metamerism
when two colours match under one light condition, each component must be the same shade under all conditions of light
(used especially in coordinated sportswear)
What is the heather effect and how is it achieved?
A type of fabric colour that is created by using a mix of fibres with different colours. For example, mixing together white and black fibres will create a grey heather fibre.
Union dyeing
produces one solid colour on fabric that has 2+ classes of fibre
Solution dye
injection of permanent colour for long periods of time
Jig dyeing
passed through stationary dye bath more than once
cross dyeing
a yarn, fabric, or garment is dyed in a single bath which can contain two different classes of dyes with different affinities
garment dyeing
the dyeing of completed garments
piece dyeing
dyeing a cloth after it’s been woven or knit