Chapter 8 Flashcards
Referring to the culture of agricultural communities and types of tenure system that determines access to land and kinds of cultivation practices employed there.
A set of economic and political relationships that organizes Agro-food production from development of seeds to the retailing and consumption of the agricultural product.
Agricultural industrialization
Process whereby farms move from being centrepiece of agricultural production to becoming one part of an integrated swing of vertically organized industrial processes including production, storage, processing, distribution, marketing, and retailing,
Growing of aquatic creatures in ponds on shore or in pens suspended in water.
A science, an art, and a business directed at the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance and profit.
A process in which genes from other life forms like plant, animal, fungal, bacterial, or human are inserted into host plants.
Bio revolution
Genetic engineering of plants and animals.
Borlaug hypothesis
States that because global food demand is on the rise, restricting crop usage to traditional low yield methods like organic farming, requires world population to decrease or further conversion of forest land into crop land. Named after Norman Borlaug, the force behind Green Revolution.
Blue Revolution
Large scale expansion of aquaculture in late 20th century.
Community Supported Agriculture
A cooperative they collects subscriptions and pays a farmer up front to grow food locally for CSA members for a season of a specified time frame.
Any technique using living organisms or their parts to improve, make, or modify plants and animals or develop microorganisms for specific uses.
Conventional farming
An approach to agriculture that uses chemicals in forms of plant protectants and fertilizers and intensive, hormone based practices to breed and raise animals.
Renewable fuels derived from biological materials that can be regenerated, including corn, soy, and sugar cane.
Fast food
Edibles that can be prepared and served quickly in packaged form in a restaurant.
Acute starvation associated with a sharp increase in mortality.
Food security
Assured access to enough food at all times to ensure active and healthy lives for a person, a household, or a country.
Food sovereignty
Right of peoples, communities, and countries to define their own agricultural, labour, fishing, food, and land policies that are ecologically, socially, economically, and culturally appropriate to their unique circumstances.
Chemical farming
Application of synthetic fertilizers to the soil, and herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides to crops to enhance yields.