Chapter 3 Flashcards
Age-sex pyramid
A representation of the population based on its composition according to age and sex.
Baby boom
The increased number of births in the two decades following World War Two.
Biometric census
A census in which individuals are photographed and fingerprinted to create a national database.
A group of individuals who share a common temporal demographic experience.
Crude birth rate (CBR)
The ratio of the number of live births in a single year for every thousand people in the population.
Crude death rate (CDR)
The number of deaths in a single year for every thousand people in the population.
The count of the number of people in a country, region, or city.
Demographic transition
A model of population change in which high birth and death rates are replaced by low birth and death rates.
Characteristics of a human population including elements like gender, race, age, income, disabilities, education, and migration patterns among different groups and death rates among others.
The study of the characteristics of human populations.
Crude density (arithmetic density)
The total number of people divided by the total land area.
A numerical measure of the relationship between the number of people and some other unit of interest expressed as a ratio.
A population movement caused by the degradation of land and essential natural resources.
Epidemiological transition
A theory stating that the prevailing forms of illness changed from infectious to degenerative types as the demographic transition occurred.
Doubling time
The measure of how long it will take the population of an area to grow to twice its current size.
Dependency ratio
The measure of the economic impact of the young and old on the more economically productive members of the population.
Female infanticide
The practice of aborting, killing, or abandoning female babies of their own parents.
A movement in which a person leaves a country.
The childbearing performance of individuals, couples, groups, or populations.
Forced migration
The movement by an individual against his or her will.
Geodemographic analysis
The practice of assessing the location and composition of particular populations.
Guest workers
Individuals who migrate temporarily to take jobs in other countries.
Gross migration
The total number of migrants into and out of a place, region, or country.
Health care density
The ratio between the total population and the number of physicians.