Chapter 8 Flashcards
What a culture is learned by an outsider, the stranger tends to acquire theoretical and normative information called?
Etic knowledge
Knowledge of the cultural learned from the inside; this type of knowledge constitutes the rules noon from inside of the culture and as such are seldom organize or consciously discussed.
Emic knowledge
Understanding dominant cultural values and understanding how our own cultural values affect the way we perceive others and ourselves is a requirement of?
Intercultural communication competence
The degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action
Institutional collectivism
The degree to which individuals expressed pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations and families
In-group collectivism
The degree to which an organization or society minimizes general differences while promoting gender equality, women earning an income, and women having access to resources
gender equality
The degree to which members of an organization or society expects and agree that power should be concentrated at higher levels of the organization or government
Power distance
The extent to which members of an organization or society strive to avoid uncertainty by relying on established social norms, rituals, and bureaucratic practices
Uncertainty avoidance
The degree to which individuals and organizations are societies engage and future oriented behaviors such as planning, investing in the future, and delaying individual and collective gratification
Future orientation
The degree to which individuals and organizations and societies encourage and reward individuals for being fair, friendly, generous, caring and kind to others
Human orientation
The degree to which an organization encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence
Performance orientation
Human culture problem: what is the human beings relation to nature?
Human being-nature orientation
Human culture problem: what is the modality of human activity?
Activity orientation
Human culture problem: what is the temporal focus of human life?
Time orientation
Human culture problem: what is the character of innate human nature?
Human nature orientation
Human culture problem: what is the relationship of the individual to others?
Relational orientation
Value orientation theory that describes worldview and considers how humans dominate, live with, or are subjugated to nature
Human-being nature
Value orientation theory which describes people and the culture “being” (passively excepting), “being-in-becoming” (transforming), or “doing” (initiating action”.
Activity orientation
Value orientation theory describing the emphasis the culture places on the past, the present, or the future
Time orientation
Value orientation theory describing weather humans are primarily evil, primarily good, or a mixture of both
Human nature orientation
Value orientation theory describing the way the culture organize his interpersonal relationships: linear hierarchy, group identification or individualism
Relational orientation
Deals with the cultures most fundamental beliefs about its place in the cosmos, beliefs about God, and beliefs about the nature of humanity and nature. It also refers to the philosophical ideas of being
Huntington argues that the world can be divided into eight major “cultural zones”. How are the zones identified?
By religion
What are the eight major cultural zones described by Huntington?
Western Christianity, the Orthodox world, the Islamic world, and the confusion, Japanese, Hindu, African, and Latin American zones.
Throughout the 19th century religious discourse in the United States was dominated by __ ___ __ conservatives of European heritage.
White male Protestant
Among the world’s industrialized nations, the __ __ is the most religious
United states
True or false?
The United States has levels of religiosity and national pride comparable to those found in developing societies.
True, the United States continues to have a much more traditional value system than any other advanced industrial society.
People in the United States of the strong faith in the __ __ of solving problems.
scientific method
If there is one value that most of the world attributes to the United States it is __, or the belief the possessions are important in life.
The term __ __ refers to the use of time for self-expression and play, self-improvement and development, and work
activity orientation
To believe that humans are __ is to believe that humans act on the basis of reason
The term __ means subject to change; this, then, refers to the belief that human nature can be changed by society.
True or false?
Generally, people in the United States to find self in terms of occupation rather than in terms of family or other relationships
The United States is characterized to a high degree by individualism as opposed to collectivism. The US character strives for _ and _
Independence and individuality
A withdrawing into individual private shells
Hyper individualism
In the US, times you both as a commodity and in a __ fashion
According to Alexis do Tocqueville, democratic nations prefer the useful to the beautiful
Faith in rationality infused Western culture and stimulated the pursuit of science and capitalism.
Due to changing emigrant patterns, people in the US define self in terms of family or other relationships.
US acceptance of technology is reflected by the fact that into thousand nine, people over the age of 15 spent 75% of their leisure time watching television, playing games, and using the Internet.
Term that means “subject to change”.
McClelland argues that economic development in the West was largely built by individuals motivated with a high need for achievement.
The cultural patterns term activity orientation refers to the use of time.
Perceptions of the self are included in the cultural patterns human nature orientation
The cultural patterns her neck to the orientation includes conceptions of time
In contrast to people in France, people in the US define class boundaries based more on intelligence and refinement rather than money and power
If there is one value the rest of the world now tributes to the United States, it is materialism
Kluckholn and Stodtbeck argue that all human cultures are confronted with universally shared problems emerging from relationships with fellow beings, time, activities, and nature.
The term worldview includes beliefs about the nature of humanity and nature.
Conformity is a part of which Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck value orientation?